Page 25 of Makai

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It was becoming more and more apparent to me that Makai was full of words and hardly meant any harm by them, no matter how they flowed. With a shake of the head, I tilted my chin downward and gazed in the other direction—out into the openness of the fresh sunrise. I hardly felt his hand leave mine. It wasn’t until I felt it on my chin that I noticed.

“Stand on your shit, Mommas.” His baritone was like jazz after a long shift, soothing to the soul.

“I don’t know what that means,” I admitted, blushing red with embarrassment.

“No fear. It means no fear. If you want to stalk a nigga with those pretty ass eyes and that pretty ass face, then stand on that shit. Ain’t no need to be shy because when it’s my turn to stalk you, ain’t shit gon’ stop me.”

Nodding with upward-turned lips, I digested his explanation. This time, when my eyes landed on him, they didn’t leave him. I watched as he re-established the connection he’d broken, pouring oxygen into my lungs again.

I took note of the skillful art that covered his body. Because his skin was so dark, from afar, it was hardly noticeable. But up close, I realized just how much he’d been marked. The intricacies of the artwork were mesmerizing. There were swirls and letters and signs decorating his skin like paint on a canvas.

When I’d finally had my fill of Makai, I rested my head against the seat, once again closing my eyes to soak up the pleasantries. Their separation didn’t come until we’d arrived at a jaw-dropping villa that rendered me speechless. Immobile, I watched as everyone climbed out of their trucks and piled into their respective dwellings. The small community of vacation homes was perfect.



I heard his voice and felt his presence surrounding me, still, but I couldn’t quite gather myself or disengage from the moment I was having alone. By the third time he called out to me, he’d reached me, parted my legs, and stepped between them.


“Huh?” I snapped out of the trance at once. My name falling from his lips was like water on a day in the desert. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been parched, but his voice replenished me, hydrating me to the point of capacity.

“You gon’ stay out here or you coming inside?”

Makai stood so close, his legs touching mine as he lowered his head to meet my eyes. I stared up at him with the assistance of his fingertip under my chin.

His lips.

His skin.

His nose.

His cheeks.

His forehead.

They all looked so… kissable. So enjoyable. So good.

My tongue slid across my lips, rehydrating them with the life he’d poured into me. I squeezed my vaginal muscles to suppress the growing desire between my legs. Defeat clothed me as my eyes grew heavier. Drunk with lust, I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat.

He’ll be the commencement of my undoing, I confessed, knowing it to be true.

“Why are you staring at me that way, Makai?” I asked, short of breath.

He required all of my energy.

“’Cause I’m waiting on you to put your big girl panties on.”

“I don’t understand what you’re referring to.”

“How you feeling, Mommas?”

“Famished.” The word sprouted from my mouth without hesitation. As soon as it left, I wanted it back.

“Adjective. Extremely hungry. Ravenous. Undernourished. Malnourished. Unfed. Ensurient.”

Recalling the day he’d given me the entire definition of my name on a whim, I was left with the conclusion that this man wasn’t just beauty and mystic. He was brains as well.
