Page 28 of Makai

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“Ah,” he groaned. “Don’t worry about me.”

The smile that parted the path for his perfect white teeth was convincing, but not enough. Placing a hand on his chest, I stopped him from taking off again. It was becoming clear to me that he avoided his emotions. For a girl that wore hers on her sleeve, I died a thousand deaths inside. But that smile… it brought me back a thousand times.


“I’m good, G.”

He was disconnecting. Though it was still a rendition of my name, it was short, and straight to the point. He was growing cold.

“But are you?” I pushed, unwilling to let him lend a helping hand and I not do the same.

There wasn’t much that I knew about Makai but the two times we’d encountered, he was nothing short of a Godsend. I’d be doing myself a disservice not to reciprocate his energy.

He planted his feet, folding his arm one over the other and giving me his undivided attention.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re good in my world. I don’t get that uh…” He squinted his right eye trying to think of the accurate word. “That degree of leniency on this side of the tracks. The first sign of weakness and you’re a dead man. And if you’re not physically erased off the face of the earth, you might as well be because the motherfuckers who sense that weakness gon’ hit you for everything you got. Before I go down like a sucker, Mommas, I’ll pretend I’m good til the day they put me in my box and throw the dirt on me.”

“You don’t have to pretend right now, or ever… with me.”

“With you?” He chuckled.


“Who the fuck is you?”

“I’m Glacier.”

Shaking his head, he flattened his hand on his nicely cut hair before running it down his face.

“I know your name, Kiwi. I’m just saying, what makes you think I’m trying to be all up in my chest and shit because I’m around you?”

“Because you’re all up in your chest, Makai,” I explained. As if a light bulb had gone off in his head, his brows centered on his face.

“It’s nothing you have to force. It just… happens. If today isn’t the day you’re ready or willing to talk, it’s okay. I’m here for a while, as it seems. And even after, I don’t think I’ll be too far away.”

I wouldn’t be. Even if nothing became of this spontaneous vacation, I would never forget what Makai had done for me three months ago. I still hadn’t paid a dime in rent. Next month would be the first time. A phone call or a few miles away, that’s all I ever wanted to be if he ever needed me like I needed him that day.

After my point was made, sticking around wasn’t necessary. There was an entire villa to explore. Though I had absolutely nothing to contribute to the bedroom, kitchen, or drawers, I still wanted to see every inch of the space before the exploring and activities began.

With my nose high, piercing the air, I turned on my heels. I left Makai where he stood, sifting through thoughts that he’d made it clear that I wasn’t privy to. Before I was able to take my third step, I felt his large hands stretch across the back of my neck.

My body flung backward, simultaneously swirling to meet his face. To meet his lips. A fire was ignited within me. My chest and stomach burned with desire, satisfaction, and pure adoration. My body lifted, attempting to swallow him whole. Though it was impossible, I didn’t mind trying.

Standing on the tips of my toes, I familiarized myself with every corner of Makai’s mouth. Deliciously and skillfully, he tongued me down, sealing the moment with soft, slow pecks on the lips, chin, and upper neck. My entire life, I’d never experienced extreme levels of jealousy, especially for someone I’d never met, but I found myself struggling to not hate whoever had the chance to enjoy those lips before me.

“Don’t walk away from me like that, Glacier. I didn’t like that.”

Breathlessly, I lowered my body, flattening my feet on the floor. Hadn’t I been trying to stop my world from spinning, Makai would have had a response. However, I couldn’t conjure one if I tried.

“You hear me?” he asked, tilting his head.

Finally, I managed to recite the truth.

“You gave me no reason to stay.”

I watched his nostrils spread as he pondered.

“Two things you need to know.”
