Page 33 of Makai

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“I didn’t. I loved him from the moment I saw his face. And my love happens to be unconditional. I’m not afraid of crashing for the right reason. He’s the right reason. I’ll crash a hundred times if he’s my end result.”

Nodding, I accepted her response. I felt my body temperature soar. I took a sip of the drink in front of me. It was my second in addition to the two shots we’d taken. As someone who didn’t drink, I was hoping I would make it back to the villa without busting my knee or my face on the concrete.

“Makai is the right reason,” she assured me.

“Don’t be afraid to take a risk. He won’t let you crash. His brothers won’t allow you to, either,” Nature said.

“Neither will we,” Aeir insisted.

“I wasted so many unhappy years, afraid to take that risk. I’ll never forgive myself, honestly. But since I stepped out on faith, it’s been rewarding. Milo wasn’t perfect in the beginning but no one is. Once we established that, we were able to progress. Now, we’re married with two beautiful children. Sometimes I don’t think happy is the word to encompass my feelings. I’m in total bliss.”

“Has he ever been in love?” I found myself asking, unsure of where it was coming from.

Everyone turned toward Aeir as if she had the answer we all needed. She’d made it clear that she and Malachi hadn’t reached five years of marriage, so I was slightly confused as to how she’d have the answer I needed.

“No. Never.”

“I didn’t think he was capable. I’ve known him since we were young,” Nature added.

“A whore, yes. In love, nah.” Kleu shook her head.

“He’s never had a girlfriend.” Aeir sipped the water she’d been refilling throughout our time at the bar to balance her intake.

“Seriously?” I gasped.

“It’s why we’re all surprised you’re here. Those three months must have been enjoyable for him,” Nature pressed.

“Or the pussy.” Kleu shrugged. “Just saying.”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to explain. We haven’t dated for three months. Last night was only my second time seeing him. We haven’t been intimate. Our first kiss was less than two hours ago. He showed up at my house last night and told me to pack a bag. A bag that he hated and didn’t allow me to bring. He said he’s buying everything I need while we’re here.

“Three months ago, he rescued me off the side of the road, took me to my graduation, stayed the entire time, bought me flowers after, fed me, took me home, paid my rent for three months, and paid for an abortion for a child I conceived with my ex. He left that day and I didn’t hear from him again until last night.”

Though I’d shared a lot, I didn’t feel like I’d overshared. In the last hour and a half, I’d heard so much about the women at the table that I knew I was in good hands. This was a judgment-free zone, a place I loved and would cherish as long as I was allowed in the space.

“Aw shit. Girl, welcome to the family. That shit calls for another shot. Where the waitress? Makai done fell with his funny looking ass.”

Laugher erupted as I let Kleu’s words sink in.

Has he? The question rolled around in my head as I watched her flag down the server for our table. Because maybe I have.

Forty-five minutes, another round of shots, and one more drink later, I wobbled into the villa while removing the shoes that were suddenly hurting my feet. Two dresses, a new swimsuit, and a two-piece short set dangled across my arm. The ladies had given me an article or two from their bag, filling me with way too many emotions. Kleu provided the hygiene as she swore her clothes would swallow me whole. I doubted it.

“Makai?” I sang.

Barefoot, I searched through the house. My first stop was the bedroom where I found an array of new clothes, tags still attached, sprawled across the bed. Different hues and styles of dresses, including bottoms and tops, coordinated well. Purses. Shoes. Hats. Swimwear. Designer bags. A new suitcase. It all crowded the large space, making it look so much smaller.

Unable to stand another second without setting my eyes on him, I marched through the rest of the villa in search of Makai. My final stop was the bathroom where I found him stepping out of the shower. It wasn’t until the door was ajar and I witnessed the water dripping from his body that I heard the water running. He shut it off with the press of a button. When he turned around to face me, again, the lazy piece of meat in front of him was slowly growing.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know yo—”

My eyes never left his growing tool as I tried pushing out words that were merely enough to make full sentences. Makai remained silent, allowing me to witness the birth of his erection. At its full potential, his manhood made my mouth water. I closed my eyes, giving myself a second to adjust.

Dear God, help me.

“You gon’ stand there letting your mouth water or you gon’ come suck this motherfucker?”

“Makai, I—”
