Page 58 of Makai

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I tossed the blunt on the ground when I stepped outside. The crisp air was evidence that fall in Berkeley was on the horizon. There were no places I’d rather be than at the docks to collect my goods or laid up next to Glacier on the nights she wasn’t on the clock.

With any luck, I’d convince her to switch shifts by the time fall started so that our nights were spent together. Because I worked through the day, too, that shift was ideal in my eyes. I made a mental note to mention it in the near future. We had nearly a month before the season began. There was still time.

I wasted no time applying pressure to the gas pedal as I started down Canton. Her crib was a straight shot from the shop. One turn and I was pulling into the lot of her apartments. I hopped out as quickly as I’d pulled up.

“Ayo, G!” I yelled out, knocking on the door simultaneously. “Open the door, Mommas.”

Because I hadn’t warned her of my visit, I wanted to assure her that it was me banging. I stepped back after a few knocks that rattled the door and prepared for her to open. It wasn’t long before the locks began to turn.

Anxiously, I waited to see her face. I could already feel her body inside my arms, pressed against mine. It was maddening, the way she had me seeing shit, hearing shit, and feeling shit that hadn’t even happened but was strongly desired. Glacier was forcing me to discover parts of me that I never knew existed.

Though I should’ve been running for the hills, I was running toward her. I wanted to clash and burn if that’s what falling deeper for her would result in. At this point, I didn’t give a fuck because it would be worth it in the very end.

The door opened slightly before closing, immediately. I didn’t miss the frustration written on my baby’s face before she slammed it in my face. I found myself chuckling, though there wasn’t shit funny. Instead of knocking again, I sent a warning before destruction.

“G, I’ll knock this bitch off the hinges, Mommas. If you don’t want the neighbors to ransack your shit while you’re gone tonight, then open the door.”

She snatched it open in an instant, stepping aside for me to enter.

“I’m not coming in that fucking house, Glacier.”

“Then why are you here?”

“To tell you to pack a bag. I’m ready to lay down. I’m sleepy. I’ll be waiting in the tru—”

“Makai, it’s not that simple,” she protested.

“It is tonight. You can yell at me tomorrow. Tonight, though, I’m ready for bed and I won’t be able to rest if you’re not in that motherfucker with me. Mad and all.”

“I’m not mad.”

“Then, whatever you are, Kiwi.”

“I don’t like how dismissive you’re being right now.”

“Baby, damn, I’m not being dismissive. I’m just asking you to put off whatever you on until tomorrow. I haven’t had more than three hours of sleep all week. I ain’t gon’ get none until I begin making things right with you. This is only a gesture. It’s not me saying fuck you or your feelings. I’m saying fuck that shit tonight. So, you coming or what?”

She stood with her arms folded at her chest. Her lips protruded. Her nostrils flared. Her eyes glossed. She was deep in them fucking feelings of hers.

“I’m missing you,” I admitted.

She dropped her hands at her side as she lowered her head and shook it from one side to the other.

“Come home with me.”

“You’re not being fair.”

“Life ain’t fair, Mommas.”

“I don’t feel like packing anything,” she confessed.

“Then, don’t. You ain’t got to bring shit but your body. You don’t need a fucking thing when you’re with me, Glacier. Just lock up and come ’er.”

“One second.”

I watched her disappear inside her spot and then reappear seconds later with keys in one hand and the bag I sent her in another. After locking up, she turned to face me. I reached out, wrapping my fingers around her neck and bringing her closer. I tried my hardest to shove my tongue down her throat. I missed her so fucking much.
