Page 68 of Makai

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“There are six condominiums on this floor. They’re all customized and look a little different. Yours, in particular, is the third largest and has the most incredible view of Berkeley. You can see the entire city from up here.”

She opened the door.

Including him.

Makai stood near the never-ending, floor-to-ceiling window with his back pressed against the glass. He looked up, noticing we’d entered and he was no longer alone. I whipped my body around, waiting for an explanation from Aeir. She shrugged with the cutest smile on her face.

“How’d he… We left befo—”

“Your place is only eight minutes from his, babes. I drove around in circles to give him time to make it here before us.”

“Sneaky little thing!”

“I hate to cut out so soon, but I have to get back to my babies. If you need me, please call me.”

“You’re leaving?”

“Yes. My job here is done. Before picking you up, my mission was a bit more complicated.”

“What was it, exactly?”

“Furniture. It’ll be here within the hour. All you have to do is say yes to this unit. If it doesn’t work, you can look at any unit you want on this floor, baby. I’ll put a motherfucker out if you want their shit. This building checked all the boxes and your safety won’t ever be in question,” Makai explained, shoving his phone in his pocket and making his way over to me.


“But baby, you haven’t ev—”

“Yes. I’m saying yes. I want to be exactly where you want me to be, wherever you feel most comfortable with me being. I don’t need to visit every room to know I love this place. Look at the windows, Makai. The kitchen, the size of the living room, the study… It’s a yes.”

I scanned the main areas that were visible, loving everything I saw.



“Then that’s settled,” Aeir boasted. “I told you she’d love it.”

“You did. Appreciate everything.”

“I’ll expedite that delivery order now. Everything should be here and situated within the next hour. In the meantime, I need to get going.”

“And I need to prepare to let her drag my Black ass around, buying shit to fill this bitch up.”

“Makai!” I blurted, tapping his arm.

“Fuck that lady. I’m sure she be cussing, too,” he whispered, leaning closer to Aeir and me.

“You have your hands full here, friend,” with a titter, Aeir warned.

“Thank you so much for all that you’ve done for me today. I don’t know what all it consisted of, but I’m certain it was a lot of work.”

“That’s the advantage of marrying a Domino. They make sure that hard work doesn’t truly exist in your world if they can help it.” She chuckled. “Pointing out everything from the Pinterest board I’d created was my only job. Not going home and coming to get you instead was the hardest part.”

“Well, nonetheless, thanks again.”

“Of course.”

We saw her out before the tour of my new condominium began. I was already filling a store cart in my head as Eloise began speaking again.
