Page 70 of Makai

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“About what? How can I fix it?”

“I just need to ask you something.”


“What’s the limit on the card you gave me?”

“Ain’t one. Spend whatever you need. Why?”

“Because I was thinking… I’m becoming a little frustrated with my car. And now that I live here, I want a better one. One that represents me now, not me years and years ago. Riding in Aeir’s truck a few days ago, and it made me want one like it. I have been obsessing over them for the last two days since you’ve been gone, working up the nerve to ask if—”

“Ask for what? Working up the nerve for what? Have I not proven to you that you can have whatever you want, Glacier? If I have access to it, then so do you. For every dime I have, at this point, five cents of that shit belongs to you. You can have whatever you want, baby. You want a G-Wagon like Aeir’s, then let’s get you a fucking G-Wagon.”

I busted a U-turn in the middle of the street, putting the rest of our plans on hold. If Glacier wanted a new whip, then that was what she’d get. I was beating my own ass for not getting her something else sooner.

“Baby, we don’t have to right now. It’s late. Maybe they’re closed.”

“They’ll open that bitch up, then. You’re not going to spend another day obsessing over something you can have. You’re getting a truck, baby. Tonight.”

“I’d much rather have date night. The truck can wait. Seriously. I don’t want to spend our night looking around, test driving, or whatever else it takes. I’d rather be alone with you.”

The desperation in her tone, and the feel of her hand as it grazed my thigh, soothed me. I relit my blunt and made another U-turn, heading back in the direction we were going.

“Aight. Then, I guess the gun range shit out of the question tonight?”

“Oh, God. You planned date night at the gun range?”

Baby was mortified.

“Yeah. It’s important that you learn how to protect yourself, Glacier. I won’t always be there. I live a life that people wish they could. If anything ever happened to you because of me, I’d lose my shit. So, yeah, I planned a date at the gun range.”

“I wore heels,” she admitted. “And a dress. I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t know.”

“It’s all good. I was just trying to take you somewhere official. I can teach you how to shoot at the crib. I’d prefer it, anyway. The rounds are unlimited, and so is the choices of machinery.”

“I have mase.”

“For what? A bear? Kiwi, you got to blast a nigga that comes your way. You gon’ fuck both y’all up with some mase.”

“I have a knife, too.”

She was proud of her arsenal. I was sick to my fucking stomach.

“A motherfucker shouldn’t even be able to get that close for you to have to use your knife. Send his ass to hell before he is even in your personal space.”

“Oh, no. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.” She huffed, getting herself worked up for nothing.

“Yes, you would. Because you’d find comfort in knowing you tried to keep him alive until the ambulance came. Be down there giving the nigga CPR and shit.”

“You know me so well.”

“Where we headed, G? I ain’t got no more tricks up my sleeve,” I confessed, puffing on my blunt.

“Well, there is this new movie I was eyeing.”

“See what time the next one is showing. And do you really want to waste your fly ass fit at the movies?”

“I don’t mind.”
