Page 77 of Makai

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As corny as the shit sounded, it made us feel so much closer. The additional square footage of my home wasn’t as impressive now that she was in my life. From my favorite spot on the couch, I could see damn near everything in her crib, including her, unless she ducked off into one of the three bedrooms or a bathroom.

I pressed the buttons that would grant me access to her unit. While I was expecting to find Glacier on the couch, chilling on the phone with one of my peoples’ significant other or indulging in her new favorite downtime activity, television for an hour or two, I didn’t. She was particular about the timing, claiming to feel like she was wasting the day away if she spent a minute over the two-hour mark in front of a screen.

“Mommas, where you at?”

“I’m in here!”

Dropping by her crib before one of the most important meetings of the year possibly wasn’t a good idea, but I couldn’t bear the thought of her falling asleep before I got home. I trailed her voice into the master bathroom where she stood in the mirror, polishing her face with makeup. It was then that I remembered it was the night I’d promised her date night after standing her up twice this month.

Fuck. I began trying to think of a way to explain to her that it wasn’t a good night. Tomorrow would be perfect, but I knew she was back on the clock the next day. It was impossible to take her on anything but a day date.

“What’s the matter, baby?” she asked, stuffing an earring in her ear, and looking at me through the mirror. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been paralyzed, looking like the fucking fool I felt like.

“Nothing,” I responded, shaking my head and moving forward to kiss her cheek. She’d painted her lips with some shiny shit, so I left them alone.

“Good. You’re already dressed. And here I was, thinking you’d be the one running behind.”

I couldn’t muster the strength to deny Mommas another night. She looked way too good in the one-piece she had on. She was dripping with confidence. I liked that shit on her.

The new timepiece on her arm was shining. The bracelet and necklace combo I’d gotten her was the perfect touch. Mommas looked like money. My money. The kind that couldn’t fold. Wouldn’t fold. And didn’t run out.

“How much longer do you have?”

I made the rapid decision to bring her along with me. Mixing business with pleasure wasn’t my jam, but I’d make an exception for the night. It was that or telling Mommas to strip down and call it a night.

She didn’t trip with me about shit but I was sure she’d block my ass for a month and tell her coworkers not to let me on the floor to see her in the wee hours when I was missing her ass something awful. There would only be a few niggas at the table tonight, all crossing the threshold and on their way to becoming top earners.

“I’m just finishing up, waiting on you so you can help me get these Givenchy boots on. They’re such a hassle.”

“Aight. Bet. Let me know when you’re ready.”

“I’m ready.”

I followed her to the living room where she had them prepped and ready. One by one, I worked them onto her feet, knowing that she’d need a prayer and a miracle to get them off. They were a hit, though, matching perfectly with the fit she’d chosen.

“You smell good,” she complimented.

“Thank you, Mommas. You smell good, too. Look even better.”

“My man, my man, my man,” shyly, she sang.

“Ya man gon’ eat you the fuck up when he gets home and gets you out of this shit.”

“I can hardly wait.”

“I bought you a new coat. It’s in the trunk of my car. I should’ve brought it in.”

“Thanks, baby. Where will we be dining tonight?”

“A secluded spot, but we won’t be alone.”

“Who’s coming? The girls haven’t mentioned dinner plans,” she inquired, curiosity spilling from her tongue.

Apprehension was hunting me. I struggled with the thought of surrounding her with motherfuckers I did business with, but there was no other option. I’d dismiss them as quickly as possible so that we could enjoy as much of our night alone as possible.

“Because they aren’t a part of these plans. I have some business to tend to tonight. A dinner meeting of sorts and decided to bring you along.”

“Okay. Am I overdressed? Underdressed?”
