Page 85 of Makai

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“Oh, the girls are going to be pissed they missed this spill.”

“I know, right? I don’t plan on repeating myself after this. It’s not that big of a deal. Makai and I haven’t spoken about it since last night.”

“What did he say?”

“Which one?”

“Makai, of course. I don’t give a damn what your ex said.”

“He made a toast.”

“To who?”

“My ex. Thanking him for screwing up and blessing him with me.”

“Shut the fuck up, Glacier!”

“I’m serious. I wanted to melt in my chair.”

“Why? He’s right.”

“And then, he insisted I never alter my level of comfort when in his presence, no matter who I’m in front of.”

I popped the last chips into my mouth, sure not to chew loudly enough to be heard.

“He means it, too, babe.”

“I know. It’s just that I hadn’t seen him in so long and the one time I do, it’s at dinner with my man. It was so much to digest at once, especially not knowing how Makai would react.”

“If there’s nothing else you take from this conversation, step away knowing that you have absolutely nothing to fear when it comes to a Domino man exuding confidence and remaining in control of any situation they find themselves in. You’re not fucking on a bum, Glacier. You’re fucking on a boss. Act accordingly. Head high, chest out in every room you walk in, no matter who is in that motherfucker.”

Nodding as if she could see me, I agreed with her.

“I have to get back to work, Kleu.”

“All right. Call me later if you want to talk more about it.”

“I don’t. I just… I guess I just needed to tell someone. Thank you for always being a listening ear and offering sound advice.”

“Of course, babe. That’s what we’re all here for.”

“I’ll talk to you later.”

“Yup.” She ended the call immediately.

Her words stuck to me like glue as I gathered my trash and tossed it into the garbage can on my way out of the door. Just as I made it onto my floor, I heard Mr. Hodge’s voice on the speaker, requesting to see his nurse.

“I’ve got it,” I called out, letting Shelly know I was back and ready to deal with whatever Mr. Hodge was planning.

“I was just about to head in there to see what that man wanted.”

“It’s fine.”

I sanitized my hands and walked the short distance to his room. I entered to find him sitting up with a mug on his handsome face. There was no doubt about it, he was a fine gentleman in his time. I was certain the women were delighted to have him around.

“Yes, Mr. Hodge?”

As I moved closer to his bedside, I popped on the lights and grabbed a pair of fresh gloves from the box.
