Page 88 of Makai

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“Does it hurt?”


“Fuck!” he yelled, standing back up.

I’d given my statement. The rest of the staff were giving theirs. Nelson was in custody, cuffed, and waiting to be taken downstairs. The entire floor was in an uproar.

But Makai, he was livid. After consoling me, and making sure I was well, the anger began brewing.

“Listen to me, Mommas,” he gritted, back on his knees and in front of me. “I’m your first line of defense. I’m your emergency line. I’m the motherfucker you call to handle your shit. I’m your fucking police. Me. Call me! Don’t call them. Call me! They’re going to put that nigga in the cold cell; I’m going to put that bitch in the soil. I’m sparing nothing and no one behind you. Do you understand me?”

Nodding, I wiped the tears that fell onto my cheeks. They were fast and they were plentiful. Makai reached up, gently wiping my face with the arm of his hoodie.

“Call me.”


“I’m coming, Kiwi. I’m always gon’ come. Just call me. Just call me.”

I brushed the side of his cheek.

“I don’t like this. I don’t like this shit one bit.”

A violent reaction was the only reaction Makai had ever known. He’d explained his coping mechanism to me so long ago. Not having the ability to react to such a violent situation with more violence left him in shambles. However, I was relieved that the police had gotten to Nelson instead of Makai. It brought me a bit of peace.

“I’m taking you home, Glacier. Where are your things?”

“I have to go down to the station. I’ve been advised to get a restrain—”

“Restraining order, baby? The piece of paper that has spared not one woman’s life in situations like this? Nah. I’m the restrainer and the fucking order. They don’t protect y’all from shit, but I will.”

“If I’m not going, then I’m ready.”

Nelson’s threat rang loud in my head. As much as I wanted to share it with Makai, I couldn’t. He’d seen enough. He’d heard enough.

“Where are yo—”

His body stiffened for a split second. Just as quickly as it stilled, it began moving swiftly. His hand landed on his hip where there was no doubt his gun rested. My eyes followed his, landing on Nelson, who was being escorted out of the building. Everything was moving so fast. Before I was able to stop him, Makai’s gun was out and pointed in Nelson’s direction.

Rising to the challenge, I leaped toward him, gently pressing against his arm. My lips touched his earlobe. My left hand caressed his back.

“I love you.”

Overcome with emotions, I repeated myself, just in case he hadn’t heard me the first time.

“I love you, Makai, too much to let you make such a foolish decision.”

His arm was still rigid, straightened as he continued to aim.

“When you up it, you gotta let that motherfucker rip, Kiwi.”

Completely entranced, his eyes never left Nelson as his grip around the gun tightened. Words wouldn’t suffice. With this bit of knowledge, I stepped back until my body was in front of the gun.

“I can’t let you do this to yourself,” I pled. My eyes burned from the tears they continued to cry.

“I can’t let you do this to us. I can’t let you do this to your brothers. To your niece. To you—”
