Page 1 of Captive Mate

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“Destiny is a predetermined future that cannot be altered by space, time, or living creatures. It is set in motion the day someone is born, challenged often by those who believe they can conquer the fates, altering them completely. But they will always fail.”

—Tanya Fields


“Mine. You are coming with me.” The huge barbarian beast glared at me with hunger in his eyes. As he dragged his two-tiered tongue across his succulent lips, I swooned from his close proximity, the heat resonating from his massive body overheating every molecule. He was glorious, chiseled to utter perfection, his copper burnished skin accentuated by long, luxurious reddish copper hair that I wanted to tangle my fingers in.

However, I’d learned a long time ago aliens had hidden agendas.

“I don’t belong to you. I don’t belong to anyone.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, little human. I am now your master. You will obey my every command.”

“What if I don’t?” I swung the knife in the beast’s direction, daring him to come any closer. He was enticingly gorgeous. My pussy was wet and had been since the moment he’d slithered into my dreams months before. Now, the once pleasurable moments of eroticism, allowing myself to enjoy the searing touch of a fantasy creature, had turned into a nightmare.

He planned on making me his.

That wasn’t going to happen. I would kill him first.

Everything about him was overpowering, including his forwardness and his masculine scent. Although I was no expert, still a virgin in fact. And right now, I longed for the creature who’d appeared from the shadows to become my first.

Hold on. Whoa. What the hell was I thinking?

The dude standing in front of me was nothing more than a brutal savage, acting as if I should drop everything in my life and come with him.

Oh, the asshole had another think coming.

“Then you will be punished.”

I snorted and lunged forward, nicking his stomach with the sharp edge of my blade. Sadly, I was no killer, horrified at what I’d done. I couldn’t believe I was concerned over the well-being of an alien predator who’d entered my room without being invited.

When he dared to bare his sharp canines, issuing an angry growl, I cocked my head. “Nice try, big boy. The tiny nick didn’t hurt you one bit. Now, I suggest you get out of my dream and my room before I inflict more pain and suffering. Got it?” I kept the knife swishing back and forth, barely able to keep my eyes off the thick bulge between his legs. Oh, this dream was much more vivid than I’d had before. It was quite possible I didn’t want to awaken from it either. That wasn’t in my best interest.

There were companies who specialized in making dreams and fantasies realities. What if that was the case at this moment? What if the big, brawny creature standing in front of me could inflict serious harm? Then again, what if he could provide me with the ultimate in pleasure?

I shuddered from the thought. There had to be a reason almost every dream for the last six months had had this same alien in it. At first, he’d merely watched me in the shadows, never uttering a word and certainly never touching me. But things had escalated. Two nights before, I’d dreamt the beast had spread my legs, driving his long, sinfully amazing tongue deep inside my slickened folds, lapping up my juice for hours.

I’d awakened not only in a bath of perspiration but with my pussy muscles clenching and releasing, smack in the throes of a wild climax.

“Mine,” he repeated, as if doing so would force me to obey him.

“Not on your life, buddy. Get the hell out of my dreams and my life.” Even though I was bold in my statements, I was swimming in a sea of uncertainty. The huge creature could do anything he wanted to me, and I couldn’t do a thing about it.


I’d never been afraid of them as a child. After all, I’d been raised to embrace the hundreds if not thousands of species that filled the universe, dozens of galaxies sporting every color of the rainbow on skin, scales, and every type of fur imaginable. I’d grown up learning about hundreds of species in classrooms and through the various social media sites. There were dating apps designed to bring humans together with the alien of their choice.

If only for a sensual night of rough, raucous sex.

I’d been interested, desire tearing through me like any other young woman, but I’d forbidden myself to partake in any aspect of intergalactic connections. I was beginning to wonder why. What I longed for was the perfect man or beast, one so dominating that he took my breath away.



Unbridled and very dangerous passion.
