Page 26 of Captive Mate

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Sneering, I pulled the plastic container to my lips, tossing back the remainder of whatever liquor I’d purchased, immediately grabbing the bottle. The one thing I’d give the pirates was that they had excellent taste in booze, something that a huge majority of the planets no longer allowed. Tonight, I was tossing one back after another in celebration of my soon to be failure.

Forty-nine years, eleven months, and fifteen days had passed since embarking on this ridiculous adventure my father had sent me on, the few moon cycle nights left looming like a huge guillotine with a rusty blade.

“Son, it is your destiny to find your mate and ascend to the throne.”

Destiny. What bullshit. Yet my father’s words haunted the back of my mind. The ancient customs and cultures were ones every Vektorian had lived with for generations. I was beginning to wonder if some of them should change. Like this barbarian needed to procreate.

However, if the end of civilization was close, that would mean panic and chaos as the populations continued to die out. That wasn’t acceptable either.

Another snarl left my lips as I swirled the liquid in the glass, noticing a group of Cartoids had just slithered into the table next to mine. Fuck, there was nothing worse than the slimy creatures, their forked tongues and long reptilian tails covered in scabs, their pores oozing.

Yet for some reason, dozens of alien women found them attractive as evidenced by the looks they were getting from the females in the bar. That disgusted me.

What I knew about them made me bristle. They were hunting, which usually meant for trading flesh. They were the scourge of all species, loathsome in every way. I’d often wondered why my father had created such monsters. He’d told me that all forms of life deserved a chance to redeem themselves. I’d laughed in his face. Maybe he’d had no control over what he’d created. That I’d never asked. If I ascended to the throne, perhaps I’d look into changing some aspects of our power.

After one of the Cartoid skanks poured out four glasses for his buddies, the creatures lifted their drinks in a toast, obviously celebrating something while I was wallowing in anger at myself. How many females had I encountered over the almost fifty years? Hundreds. Thousands. Not one had even sparked my interest, let alone had aroused my cock, the first indication of the possibility of a mate.

The only potential saving grace to the disaster that had become my life was that it was possible I and several species were compatible, not just one. However, my odds weren’t so good at this point. I pounded back another drink, the Cartoids’ exuberance annoying as fuck.

“Did you see the tits on that female?” one of them asked.

“Human females have the softest skin. I’ll give them that.”

“And the taste of their pussies is amazing.”

I shifted my gaze in their direction, noticing the fourth one was deep in thought. When he spoke, his voice was garbled but I understood what he was saying.

“Fucking them is even better. The chick even took my fin up her ass.” He grabbed the bulge between his legs, the odd-shaped procreation appendix even bigger than mine and I was considered well endowed.

“Whoa. That isn’t possible!” the first Cartoid exclaimed. “Did you tear her apart?”

“She took every. Single. Inch. All twenty of it.”


I licked the rim of the glass and shook my head. I’d heard what my father had said but at this point, desperate times called for desperate measures. It was fascinating that it had taken overhearing a conversation by these reprehensible creatures to remind me of a strange set of images I’d had a long time ago. The fantasies had been tasty if nothing else, allowing me to gather a sense of why so many males lost their minds over human females.

I had to admit that the gift of displacing time and space, allowing myself to enjoy the time spent with a human female in my mind had been fantastic. The first time had been little more than a dream, the young woman attempting to slice and dice me. That had been amusing. The second time had been… more powerful, as if the two of us were connected. I wondered if she existed in real life. Hmmm… The thought was one I’d ignored for far too long. How would I go about finding her again? While the girl had been a handful, it was obvious she fit my personality perfectly. I had to wonder if human females were all just as rebellious. I also had to consider that my father had purposely attempted to drive me away from any human lifeform. Of course. He did so enjoy playing games.

Perhaps I should listen to my inner self. Maybe thinking that I’d fucked a human was a sign and one I shouldn’t avoid. I closed my eyes briefly, remembering the look of the woman in my mind’s eye. She was gorgeous in a way that wasn’t possible. Was it possible we weren’t compatible? Or was it something my father had told me on purpose to push me away from them or a test that I needed to fulfill? No, he’d been trying to provide a message without steering me in one direction or another. Fascinating. And damning. But he’d known I was rebellious. I snickered softly, swirling the liquid once again.

I took another sip of my drink, trying to control my anger at their disgusting conversation. They were planning on abducting several human females. I wasn’t supposed to get involved, but I couldn’t allow them to do that. It wasn’t in my genetic makeup.

Maybe Pops was wrong, and our bodies were compatible. If a Cartoid could fuck a human woman, then anything was possible. Right? Besides, my father had been known to send his sons down mazes to determine who was the smartest of the four of us. Hmmm… I tapped my finger on the rim of my glass. I wouldn’t put anything past him at this point.

After all, he’d pitted Ravat against me.

“To the sweetest pussy in the world,” one of them growled then pounded his fist on the table. As they started chanting some shit about using and abusing every human female in their own language, I tuned out once again.

Another wave of anger tore through my system. Even after all these years, I couldn’t accept the fact my father was dying. He’d yet to mention why. I’d been told when I was a small child that he would live forever, but others of our species had expired so why not him?

The sad thing was that I’d been lonely on the trip even with bringing Zaz with me. Somehow, carting around a dwarf dragon with an attitude had seemed easy. However, my pet demanded far more of my time than I’d been able to give him. Now he was a cranky boy heading into his twilight years.

I scrubbed my face then stood, snagging the bottle. Maybe a good night’s rest would do me some good.

“Don’t look now but there’s one of the Vektorian pigs over there.”

“They truly think they own the universe.”
