Page 46 of Captive Mate

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My father often didn’t show any emotion. He’d learned that from his years of being in the military, his position requiring him to remain stoic and patient at all times. Seeing amusement in his eyes was fascinating. “Are you delving into your love of mythology again, dear daughter? The symbol is for the God of Fire, supposedly one of four sons of the God of Creation, the being responsible for every lifeform in every galaxy. While it’s a wonderful story, it’s a fable and nothing else. At least I hope that’s the case.”


“Because if a sighting of him actually occurred, that would mean the end of civilization is near, catastrophe looming.”

Catastrophe? What the fuck?

“Oh. Okay. I just saw something and was curious.” Thor jumped down, heading toward the entrance to the kitchen. “Vektorian race?”

“How do you know so much about them?”

“Daddy. As you said, I adore mythology and stories of ancient civilizations. With my horrible ex now out of my life, I have time on my hands.”

He lifted his eyebrows and I kept a smile plastered on my face. “Fine, Sunny. Then I’ll tell you what I know. The Vektorians are real. They are indeed an ancient civilization considered brutal in nature. They are also enforcers, using their powers to engage in warfare.”

“I thought they were protectors.”

“Not from what I’ve heard. They were responsible for destroying Earth.”

That was something my mother hadn’t told me.

“And the God of Fire? Is he a Vektorian?”

It was obvious he didn’t want to answer. “The master of their world is considered the God of Creation. Again, all of this is a fable created by a defeated enemy, carried through various generations and civilizations. There is no way of telling what the truth is and what is part of an ever-changing story.”

“So, the God of Fire is this creator’s son?”

“One of many. Supposedly. But their appearance means the God of Creation is on his deathbed. The story goes that if his sons cannot mate, then the end of civilization as we know it begins.”

“Wow. That is quite a story.” My thoughts drifted to both my fantasy and the encounter that I knew for certain hadn’t been some moment of imagination or a drug-infused vision. It had been real. A cold shiver drifted down my spine, curling my toes. Was I a target and if so, for what reason? There was one aspect that was without a doubt true.

The God of Fire had taken a liking to me. Oh, hell, no. I wasn’t some creature’s mate. That wasn’t going to happen in this lifetime. I tapped my finger across my lips, looking away as images of the dazzling beast rushed to the forefront of my mind. Even if the alien was perhaps the most gorgeous creature out there, I still wouldn’t surrender to him willingly. What was I thinking? I’d stay behind locked doors if necessary.

My father leaned into the screen and I looked away. “I know you, my dear daughter. You’re planning something. I will remind you that you are a veterinarian with your entire life ahead of you. Let’s keep it that way. Eventually, I’d enjoy having grandchildren but only if the man you choose has half a brain. Skyler did not or he wouldn’t have dared hurt my daughter. If you have any interaction with an alien creature, it is your duty to tell me. Not just as your father but the man who controls our people’s safety.”

“Yes, Father. I am well aware. Stop worrying. Goodnight.” Groaning, I ended the call, leaning back against the counter. The end of civilization? Mate? Tantians here for a specific reason? Oh, God. After closing my eyes, I realized my father almost never came to my defense, but he was angry at what had occurred with Skyler. But he was also terrified of whatever was going on.

I continued digging into the ice cream, barely noticing Thor had finished eating. I licked the spoon, trying to piece together what little I knew. Yes, I’d been a target and the God of Fire had come to my defense. I took another bite, the icy chill returning.

Then I could swear the hair was standing up on the back of my neck. But my pup was still slowly wagging his tail, not bothered by anything. “Come here, baby.” A strange tingling of electricity created a wave of heat so powerful, I took several shallow breaths.

His entire backside was wiggling, as if he noticed something that intrigued him. Then he bounded away from me, still not making a single sound.

My throat tightened, my heart racing.

No. No. No.

This was bad. Someone was inside my apartment. I was certain of it.

I remained frozen for a few seconds, moving slowly toward the kitchen door and darting my head out into the corridor. Oh, great. Now I was acting as if I’d get a warning I was about to be beheaded, captured, or worse. I should know better. Holding my breath, I scanned one side then the other, listening for any sounds.

There wasn’t a single noise, not a peep. I realized I had a spoonful of ice cream that was about ready to drip onto the floor. I gobbled it up, an icy chill coursing down my spine. I inched toward the front door cautiously, noticing the security system lights were all on, the flashing blue a clear indicator.

Maybe I was losing more of my mind, the slip slide straight into madness not preventable. I dug the spoon into the carton, realizing my hackles were no longer raised. “Thor, baby. Come on. Let’s get you some water.” I spooned another mouthful, crunching down on the chocolate chips.

When I didn’t hear a single sound, including the scrambling of his big paws on the hard floor, I almost panicked. I backed away, trying to remember where I’d left the weapon my father had insisted I learn to use and keep in my possession. Shit. It was upstairs in the same box since the day he’d dropped it off. Fuck. Fuck. What was wrong with me? It was back to the kitchen for an old-fashioned knife. While that wouldn’t kill whatever alien creature might have broken into my apartment, a significant wound might buy me some time.

I slunk into the shadows, able to retreat into the kitchen without making a sound. That’s when I heard Thor racing in my direction, woofing in excitement, not in terror. As soon as he was inside the kitchen, he lunged toward me, which forced both of us to topple to the floor. Shockingly, I held onto the ice cream container, although it was getting to be slippery in my hand from starting to melt.
