Page 7 of Captive Mate

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When I heard another growl, a very savage growl, I stopped in my tracks. Then something dawned on me. I’d assumed I’d be partnered with a human. What if the droids predicted my future with some kind of… alien being? Oh, God. I’d checked noncommittal on that question. The growl couldn’t have come from a typical human male. None of them were that rugged, especially in the passion department.

Okay, so maybe he had a pet. That would make sense. I did love animals, all kinds. Additional confidence settled in, and I shifted into the right mind set, allowing myself to enjoy the moment. It wasn’t every day a girl could live out her fantasy without fear of persecution.

I moved through the cavern, cognizant of additional sounds and vibrations coming from beneath my feet. And I could swear it was getting hotter, so much so beads of perspiration were trickling down both sides of my face.

With every step I took, I glanced over my shoulder. I had the feeling I was being watched, studied by a predator of some kind. I didn’t need to be afraid given this wasn’t real. Or was it? I shifted against the wall, a single yelp slipping past my lips from the touch. The surface was explosively hot. Fiery.

I heard a series of noises, hissing and spewing sounds coming from an unknown location. My skin began to crawl, hairs standing up on the back of my neck. Was something there? Had I also heard footsteps?

“Hello?” Dear God, my voice echoed. I leaned my head, taking a deep breath, my top already sticking to my skin. How could I get out of this? It was obvious something was fried within the fantasy system. I’d been sent to hell instead of a fantasy.

My voice echoed for several seconds.

Then I heard a dark, demonic laugh drifting from the direction where I’d come from.

I took off running, sprinting through one tunnel after another, praying to God there’d be something other than orange light. I was certain I could see something up ahead, a brighter light; even if it had a tangerine glow, it was better than being locked in a cave with a…

“Sunny. Come to your master. You now belong to me.”

The stark words caught me by surprise, the deep baritone igniting a fire deep within. Or had they shocked me? I had asked for a creature who refused to take no for an answer. I took a deep breath, holding it as I stopped moving altogether. The tone was sultry, dark, and soothing, like a warm blanket being slid over my naked body. There was a low rumble, the slight vibrations coursing through me electrifying.

Suddenly, I was hot and wet all over, but it had nothing to do with the temperature of the air.

“Who are you?” I asked. Where his voice was strong and powerful, mine was shaking and barely audible. That wasn’t like me.

“The being who will fulfill your darkest desires. That’s what you want. Isn’t it?”

Why did the voice have to sound so familiar? Had I manifested the dream from months before into this moment? I had a feeling I had.

I was certain the wild beast was moving closer, but I couldn’t tell exactly from which direction. After taking a deep breath, I slowly turned toward the melodic sound of his voice. In the shadows he stood, a formidable form that had to be at least seven feet tall. I’d been asked about likes and dislikes, but not about the person or creature I preferred. Maybe because I’d wanted a peek into my possible future, trying to still my fears that had started months before. I’d worked so hard to drive what could have been a premonition back into its former prison that I wasn’t certain what I wanted any longer.

My skin continued to tingle. I was certain he’d taken a long stride closer, could swear I was able to feel his hot breath cascading across the back of my neck. To make matters worse, I was completely and utterly aroused, my nipples aching from how full my breasts had gotten, how taut my hardened buds had become.

“I don’t know.”

“I think you do.” He issued another throaty growl, the sound tickling every one of my senses.

I was suddenly wild with desire, my mind fuzzy from the dark and filthy images rolling through it. Whew. Okay, so maybe my hatred of the drone was wrong. Yet I had a sense of fight or flight. I had no idea what kind of creatures I was dealing with. Some fucked their mates then ate them. Since I didn’t specify which type of alien, I wasn’t entirely certain reality couldn’t step in, fucking with the fantasy. Whoa. Hold on. I’d never heard of anyone being killed in the middle of the game.

But was this a game when the company had promised I’d selected a scenario from my future? My mouth was suddenly dry yet the throbbing between my legs increased. “What do you want?”

“As I said. Come to me. Come now. You belong to me.”

Oh, this was getting out of hand. The last four words I remembered distinctly. There was no chance this was happening. “I’m sorry. I’m shutting this fantasy down. Thank you for your appearance. Now, go away.”

“That will not happen, little human.”

There was that voice again. His voice. A deep baritone that swept over me like smooth, soft velvet. I shivered from the rich tone.

As it had made me do before. In my dream.

“I don’t think I can do that. In fact, I think there’s been some kind of mistake.” Why had I raised my voice? As if the gatekeeper droids couldn’t hear exactly what I was saying? Whoa. They knew what I was thinking, the connections able to reach into my mind, yanking out my deepest, darkest needs. Then I’d added the bit about an alpha male. What did this say about me as a woman? As a person? As a human being?

“Come or face my wrath.”

Deep vibrations from his voice penetrated my very soul. I was awash with fire and heat, need and desire so intense I couldn’t focus. Couldn’t think straight. This was maddening. This was…

Not freaking possible.
