Page 84 of Captive Mate

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The bastard who’d snagged me had managed to get away from the mother ship. I was shocked that he had. However, if I could get out of my confines, it was possible I could at least send a beacon or a communication of some kind to Zatan’s ship. If what I’d attempted earlier had worked, the cavalry should be here by now. Maybe it was wishful thinking but there was no doubt I was in significant danger. I had to pull out the stops or I’d be killed. After being used like a slave. The why no longer mattered. All that did was escaping.

I continued glancing at items that were almost within reach. The lock didn’t appear too complicated, but it would help if I could snap it in two. I rattled the bars once again, realizing the cage itself had seen better days. There were strange splotches on it, almost like dried blood. I didn’t want to know, nor did I care at this point. As I looked at the diameter of the bars, I realized my arms were small enough I’d have a full extension reach. Now, to find something useful.

I was crouched down, unable to move more than a few inches. However, I was able to carefully twist in a full circle, ignoring the continuing ache in both my muscles and my head. Then I noticed something shiny. A bar of some kind. I studied it for a full minute before inching to the closest area in the cage, sticking my arm through it, stretching with everything I had. I was inches away.

“Damn it.” My voice echoed in the space. I tried again, shaking from exertion and the remaining effects of the drug. Right now, I needed a miracle, or my savior wouldn’t be able to ride in on his white steed, rescuing the princess stuck in a… ugly transport ship. When I laughed, my head pounded. I was obviously exhausted from everything that had happened, not completely in my right mind.

I closed my eyes, trying to gather my strength. Then the ship lurched, hitting what could only be described as turbulence. I yelped not from pain or fear but from a split second of glee as the thick metal surface of the cage slid closer to the shiny object.

Before another jolt of turbulence threw me the other way, I reached through the bars once again, just able to wrap my hand around the deceivingly heavy piece. A pipe of some kind. If I could maneuver my hands, I might be able to pop the lock. As I tried to follow through with my plan, I couldn’t help but think about why they’d have a cage in the first place. No, I certainly didn’t want to know at this point.

I wanted to wake up in my soft bed, realizing I’d had a terrible nightmare. Then I realized, as crazy as it sounded, that I already missed Zatan. How was that possible?

After three tries, I became frustrated. Then I heard a slight click followed by a clang as the lock fell ever so slowly to the metal floor. I wanted to dance a happy jig at my success. Now what the hell did I think I was going to do?

Maybe I’d do a little sabotaging of my own. I opened the door, slipping out. Then I prayed the door to the basic closet hadn’t been locked.

When I managed to turn the handle, I was rewarded with a stream of air. Maybe things were looking up.

A girl could dream anyway. It was time to put my years of studying aerospace to good use.

I would send a message. Somehow. Then I would knock the lieutenant out cold.

So help me God.

My God of Fire.

* * *


I slammed my hands on the table in my quarters, denting the dense metal, my breathing irregular. Then I raked my arm across everything on the surface, tossing it across the room. When the items smashed, breaking into hundreds of pieces, I snarled. Then I threw my arms back and roared. How the fuck had I allowed someone I’d trusted to get the better of me?

“This isn’t going to do any good.”

I heard Grazine’s voice and hissed, slowly dropping my head. “And what is?”

“Developing a plan. That’s what you’re known for, oh great God of Fire. That’s why you’re respected more than your father or any of your brothers. You plan before acting. You take into consideration how your decision will affect other people. That’s why our situation can be tolerated.”

When he looked away, I narrowed my eyes. I sensed the beast had something on his mind. “What are you trying to tell me, Grazine?”

“Nothing, sire. Nothing at all.”

“Did you find her dog? Thor? Is he safe?”

“Yes, Commander. He is safe. At least Zican did as you asked, having him checked and nothing more. Maybe because he has pets at his home on Vektor.”

Pets. How had a man I’d trusted fallen so deeply into betrayal? How? I’d asked myself that question at least a dozen times with no answer. I was fed up with wallowing in self-pity and rage.

I took a single stride, closing the distance. Then I noticed fear in his eyes. Exhaling, I backed away, even turning around to give him space. “Why is Zican doing this?”

He snorted and moved further into the room, picking up a few of the items I’d destroyed. “Because he feels he has no way out from the prison he’s lived in his entire life.”

“What does that mean? There are few prisons on Vektor.”

“Don’t be a fool, Zatan. While I know you preferred staying to yourself, hating the politics your father played, you couldn’t have been blind. There are hundreds of prisons. Maybe you refused to tour them.”

What the hell was he talking about? In the back of my mind, I’d known. I’d ignored my father’s brutality. What the hell had been wrong with me?
