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Mrs Fialho frowned as she tried to think back.

“Yes… it was one of the housekeeping staff. She found a snake in her bed one night. Thankfully, it was dead. But what does that have to do with Tasha?”

“Do you know the woman’s name? Does she still work here?” asked DV sharply.

Freddy nodded.

“Yes. Her name is Malti. I can arrange for you to speak to her. But that happened a long time ago, DV. How is it relevant?” he asked.

“It’s just a hunch, Freddy. Let’s see what this Malti has to say about it,” explained DV.

It was a bit of a relief to know that something like this had happened before in the commune. Even though I knew it was a prank, I still felt very uncomfortable to know that someone was being so malicious to me. Now it felt less about me, and more about the disturbed state of mind of the prankster.

Freddy asked the head of the housekeeping staff to send Malti over. She entered the room hesitantly, looking like a scared rabbit, and in response, Samar and DV dialled down the macho commando vibe that they had going, and that’s when I noticed something odd.

I mean, it was okay for Samar to be all Rambo and macho because that was his job. But DV was just another spoilt royal with too much time and money on his hands. I had no doubt he was an astute businessman, but unlike the other royals I knew, who seemed overshadowed by the burly security guards who surrounded them, DV had always held his own against Samar and his team of ex-commandoes, both physically and mentally. I wondered how I hadn’t noticed that until now. I had always attributed his masterful manner to his money and lineage, but it was more than that, I realised. DV was more than just another rich blue blood.

“Have a seat, Malti,” said Sandhya kindly. “These people have some questions for you. There’s nothing to worry about, and you’re free to leave whenever you like, but I do hope you will help us out.”

Malti shot her a shaky smile and looked around the room before her eyes fell on me. It might have been my imagination, but her smile faltered a little and she looked away immediately.

“Malti, I don’t know if you heard about what happened in Princess Tasha’s cottage yesterday,” began Freddy.

She shot me that quick, uneasy glance again.

“I did hear something,” she admitted. “Not that I was prying. It’s just that everyone’s talking about it.”

“What are they saying?” I asked curiously.

I wondered what there was about the situation to cause so much talk. It was just a prank.

Malti stirred uneasily.

“I don’t want to repeat it. And like I said, I’m not the one saying anything.”

Okay, now I wasreallycurious. What the hell were people saying?

“Please tell us, Malti. It’s okay. We know you have nothing to do with it. I think I deserve to know what people are saying about me,” I urged.

She shrugged slightly and fixed her gaze on Mrs Fialho as she spoke.

“Aunty, you know I don’t like to gossip,” she cried.

Mrs Fialho nodded soothingly.

“Of course, beta. Just tell them what you’ve heard. No one’s blaming you for anything.”

“Well, they are laughing about how the haughty princess got what she deserved,” said Malti, quietly.

I recoiled in horror, and barely noticed the energy in the room change, as DV leaned forward, his body practically vibrating with fury.

“I beg your pardon?” he asked menacingly, and Malti cringed as he stared her down.

“It’s not my fault. Don’t yell at me!”

DV took a calming breath and held out a hand in a gesture of apology.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. But why are people saying such things?”
