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“No,” I replied firmly.

I took the phone from her and set it on the table. We were in her cottage.

I had come over to update her about the futile search for Vishal Agarwal. And to tell her to be watchful all the time until we found him. I didn’t want to assume he was harmless.

The phone stopped ringing but started again after a minute.

“I think I should answer it. What if it is something to do with Nani Ma?” she asked worriedly.

I groaned and leaned my head against the edge of the couch. She never could ignore a ringing phone, I mused. I didn’t blame her this time, though. Her grandmother was old and had grown quite frail after she discovered that her younger daughter, Princess Rati, was responsible for the deaths of her older daughter, Princess Smriti, and her husband. And that she had tried to kill Sona.

“Go ahead,” I replied, still half-convinced that it might be Vishal, calling to make some threats.

Tasha answered hesitantly, and as she listened to the person on the other end of the line, her face went pale. Her eyes shot to me in surprise.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I didn’t do anything, Ma!”

I bolted upright and tried to grab the phone from her, but Tasha was too fast for me. She dodged me and ran into her bedroom, with me hot on her heels. Before I could catch up, she had locked herself in the bathroom, and I could hear her exclamations as she tried to talk to her mother. Tried to, because her mother clearly had a lot to say.

“Tasha, open the door right now or I’ll break it down,” I warned.

I didn’t want her bitch of a mother spewing any more hatred into her ears. I would disconnect the call and flush that sim card down the toilet myself if I had to. I’d do whatever it took to keep Tasha safe from her mother.

And it looked as if Tasha had realised that by now, for there was a soft click, and she stepped out of the bathroom, staring at me with those big, gorgeous eyes that seemed to see deep into my soul.

“What did you do?What the fuck did you do?” she whispered.



My mother’s voice was still echoing in my ears as I stared at DV in shock.

“… ruined my life…”

“…forcing me to live like an animal…”

“… not safe anymore…”

“… cut my throat while I’m sleeping…”

But the one phrase that she kept repeating was payback.

“… payback for what I did to you… Of all the ungrateful children in the world!”

I had hung up at that point because I had no interest in listening to how she was the most loving mother on earth, and how I had never understood her.As if.

DV’s face looked like it was carved in granite, and his eyes were watchful.

“I have no idea what you mean,” he began, and I snorted in response.

“Oh, are we playing it like that? Fine! In that case, maybe you can explain the very weird conversation I just had with my mother.”

“Isn’t she in prison?”

I nodded.

“Yes, and she just used her last phone call to tell me how I had ruined the rest of her life. Apparently, she was bribing the guards to make sure she had a comfortable cell in Tihar jail, with a memory foam mattress, a mobile phone, a big TV, bottled water and catered meals. And she wanted to know why she’s just lost all those privileges for good.”
