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It gutted me to see her look so defeated.

None of this was her fault, and yet she was being dragged through the mud all over again.

“Can’t we complain about that cop?” asked Sona angrily.

“He swears he didn’t leak the information to the press, and there’s no way to trace it,” I replied.

I pulled her off the couch, and on my lap. We had to wait it out. The post-mortem report was due this evening, and once the police closed the case, the press would move on to the next scandal to hit high society. It was just a matter of days, but I didn’t know what the wait would do to Tasha.

She looked exhausted. She wasn’t eating, she wasn’t sleeping, and the dark circles under her eyes were turning into craters. I wished I could fly her out of this godforsaken place.

“Freddy, can we land a helicopter on the grounds?” I asked.

“Of course, there’s a helipad at the far end,” he replied. “You can take her out of here whenever you like.”

Tasha pinched me on the arm.

“I’m not running away, DV. I’ve done nothing wrong, even if fate is playing Russian Roulette with my life. Maybe I should hold a press conference and let the reporters come at me with the ammo they have,” she suggested.

“No,” yelled Freddy, Samar, Sona and I.

Tasha looked bemused at our reactions.

I stroked her back gently.

“Babe, you don’t want to face their impertinent questions. Besides, it’s not as if they want to hear your side of the story. They just want scandalous sound bytes.”

“Fine! But I refuse to run away.”

Samar looked up from his phone excitedly.

“Guys, my informant at the morgue just texted me. The post-mortem report is ready.”

“Can he send us a copy?”

Samar shook his head.

“There are three cops waiting to receive it. They shooed him away before he could screenshot the report.”

“Is there any way we can speak to the medical officer who conducted the post-mortem?” I asked.

“We could try,” said Samar doubtfully. “That’s our only option because the cops aren’t talking to us at all. They’ve just warned us not to leave the city because they want us all available for questioning at a moment’s notice. Which is another reason why you can’t smuggle Tasha out of here.”

“Fine! Let’s head to the morgue and try to get something out of the medical officer.”



The guys headed out, and Freddy and Sandhya left as well. They had work to do, accounts to settle, and in Freddy’s case, a certain English teacher to woo.

Everyone had plans for the evening. Everyone except Sona and I, that is. We were left behind again while our men went problem-solving.

Fuck that!

“Sona, I’m sick of staying here like a prisoner. Can we go out, please?”

She looked at me as if I was mad. And maybe I was. But I was so done with being the victim.
