Page 19 of Nick

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No, it's all Nick.

Dammit. This is so inconvenient.



What the fuck is she wearing? Or barely wearing. I can't tear my eyes off of her, which is a big fucking problem since my dick is waving to her. So damned inconvenient, especially since I'm sitting next to my brother. It's not the first woody I've had in his presence —we've been through some shit— but this is the first one I'm having looking at his girlfriend's sister.

Declan wheezes, eyes locked on the women. I know he's looking at Cara, not Bree, but I still don't like that he's seeing that much of Bree's skin.

"I can't do this anymore," he groans, scrubbing his hands down his face."I have to ask you something," he says after a moment. "It's about Cara."

Shit. I know where this is going. It's inevitable. I've seen it play out with my other brothers. "Figured as much. She's pretty much all you think about."

He flips me the middle finger, still staring off at the women in the distance. "True."

"I don't blame you." He's got something good. We didn't get where we are by letting good things slip through our fingers.

Declan nods, a hazy look in his eyes. "I honestly never thought she could be mine. She's so out of my league. And now that I have her, I don't want to let her go. I know it seems fast but...I want to ask her to move in with me."

Yep. There it is. I whistle under my breath. "Wow, you don't mess around. But are you sure she's ready for that?" They've been dancing around each other for years. Of course he's ready. But there's a beautiful blonde Amazon of a woman with haunted eyes to think about. "What about Bree?"

Declan's face grows serious. "That's the thing. I know Cara won't leave Bree until she knows Bree's okay. And honestly, I'm worried about her too. She's been through so much and she still seems so...lost. Like she's just drifting day to day with no purpose."

I nod slowly, my heart aching for her. "Yeah, I've noticed that too. She's been hurt badly. Those kinds of scars don't just disappear overnight."

"Exactly," Declan says. "She still needs support. Which is why I wanted to ask you for a favor. I know it's a lot, but...could you spend a little more time with Bree? Just until she gets back on her feet. Cara would rest easy knowing you've got her back. And so would I."

I stare out at the ocean, watching Bree float on her back, arms spreading wide. She looks so free out there, like the water washes her troubles away. I exhale heavily, raking my fingers through my hair. "That's a big responsibility, man. Bree's pretty fragile right now. I want to help but I've got my own issues too, you know? I don't know if I'd be the best person for her to lean on."

"You mean those issues?" He asks, pointing at my dick. "That's just biology dude. I know you wouldn't go there. It would be weird. She's like our sister, right?"

"Shit, you just had to go there."

"Nah. I didn't go there." The asshole points at my dick again. "He went there."

"Stop pointing at my dick. You're being weird as fuck."

He snickers and balls up his hand. Years of practice have me rolling out of the way before his fist can make contact. Laughing, I roll back and 'accidentally' shove my arm into his throat. Satisfied with the retching noises he makes, I look back over the water.

"It's a bit of a problem," I admit. "But I'm not sure I'd be any good for Bree, even without my attraction to her. They're sisters, man. I'm a poor replacement."

Dec and Cara deserve to be happy, though. It would kill Bree to think Cara's putting off her own life to stay and take care of her.

Laughter floating over the water draws my eyes back to the women. To Bree. She rises out of the water, shimmering drops of water arcing around her, and she lunges for Cara. They go under together, hugging each other tightly.

Man, I've got it bad. Does Declan have any clue what he's asking of me? It's like asking the wolf to guard the hens. Because it's not just biology, as much as he wishes it was. It's more.

Am I going to say no? I should. It's the smart thing to do.

But I can't seem to tell him no. For his sake. But also for mine. He's giving me a golden opportunity to spend more time with Bree. It's not a hardship. Far from it. But what do I know about healing anybody?

I'm more broken than anyone knows. I just hide it better. I've had thirty years of practice.

"I can try. I can spend a little more time with her. I can be her friend."

Declan exhales and drops back into the sand on his elbows. "Thank you, brother." The women's laughter rings over the water, making us both smile. "I'll give it a bit of time. When things between the two of you are friendlier, then I'll ask Cara. Hopefully, in a week or two."
