Page 55 of Nick

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"Yeah, it is. One of the most important things. Never lie to her."

Zach nods. "Also, you have to be honest about how you're feeling. Otherwise they'll decide they know what's going on in your head. And they can make up some really stupid shit."

"Really stupid," Colton echoes with a curl of his lip. "Evie had all kinds of stupid shit in her head about her body. It kinda fucked her up, and almost ruined things for us before they started. Make sure you tell her how sexy she is, and how much you love the way she looks. Women need that."

"Evie had doubts? She's so damned bea—“, I shut my mouth when Colt looks at me with murderous eyes. It'd rather not die today. "So they don't see themselves clearly, is what you're saying?" Colton gives me a slow nod yes.

"You have to be on their side," Zach says, staring off at the wall. "Always on their side."

"Even if they're wrong?" Maverick asks.

"Sometimes you have to talk shit out. But always in private. But in the end, if they make a decision, you need to support it. You can't be the one to hold them back."

"So basically," Mav says, yawning, cheek still pressed to the mat, "treat them like we treat each other, only nicer?"

We frown at him, and he yawns again. "We don't lie to each other. If someone's bulking up, we cheer them on and complement their look. And we always have each others backs, especially against outsiders."

Zach and Colton stare at him, but slowly not their heads.

"Basically, yeah," Colton says.

Great. So treat Bree like one of my brothers, minus the trash talk and nut punches.

Why the fuck did I think they would have good advice for me?

Guess I have to figure this shit out on my own.



"Oh my god! Bree, oh my god."

Julia's whispers aren't really whispers, and a few of our teammates glance back at us. Julia waves them away and tugs on my arm. "I totally forgot to tell you. Gabe, your hottie patient? He asked about you today?"

I let her drag me to a stop and look down at her impatiently. Tonight's dragged on forever. Normally I don't want a game to end, but usually I'm just going home to my lonely bed. Tonight? I have a gorgeous man waiting on me. But Julia's staring at me expectantly, so I do my best to look interested.

"Oh," I mumble, glancing at my watch. There's still a crush of people between us and the door and I'm ready to shove my way through.

"That's it? Oh? I just told you the hottest guy on the planet asked me if you're single. Can't you at least pretend you're excited?"

"Oh my god. He did? Really? That's amazing. Maybe we'll get married and have babies and live happily ever after." I drop the squealing voice and pin her with a serious look. "He's a patient. That's all. And I would hope you answered him professionally? My personal life is none of his business."

Her eyes drop guiltily and my stomach drops.

"Jesus Julia. You told him I was single?"

"I'm sorry. I really am. I know I'm not supposed's just...he seems into you. And you aren't seeing anyone. I know what your last boyfriend did to you and I just thought if you could be with someone great like him..." she trails off and bites her lip, guilt written all over her face.

Panic rises and I'm nearly gulping in air. "You can't do that. You can't share my life with strangers. I don't care how hot you think they are or how nice. You never know! You can't know who a person really is. You crossed the line." I need air. I need away. I turn and shove my way through the crowd, nearly staggering outside. Julia's apologies cut off with the door closing, and I don't wait for her, instead running across the icy parking lot to my Jeep. I throw myself in, on the verge of a full-blown panic attack.

I should wait and calm down, but I crank the engine, roll the windows down, and peel out of the parking lot. I make it a few blocks, but finally pull into the parking lot of a 24-hour diner. I'm panicky, but I'm not suicidal, and I don't want to risk it.

I couldn't live with myself if I hurt someone else because of a stupid choice I made. So I sit here, hyperventilating, replaying the conversation with Julia over and over. I can't figure out how to reframe it, or what I wish would have happened instead, other than wishing she hadn't told Gabe anything.

My phone buzzes, and I reach to turn it off. I don't want to talk to Julia right now. But it's not Julia's name flashing across the screen.

