Page 61 of Nick

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I should let her go. I should play it off, and let her circle the bed and lay down. I definitely shouldn't nuzzle into her breasts. But holy fuck, I want to. My breaths are coming in pants, the effort of holding myself back, making my entire body ripple and tense. "I don't want you to leave," I grit out.

Her strong fingers loosen their grip and start a slow, maddening stroke. It's not a big movement, just a barely there side to side of her fingertips. But my body's reaction is completely out of proportion. It figures she's trailing those fingers straight to my cock. There's just too much stimulus. Her breasts, right there and up close. Her hands on my skin. And those smooth strong legs touching mine. One of her legs is outside mine, the other is behind it, keeping her body twisted sideways.

I'm breathing, giving myself a pep talk, trying to convince it that making a move would be a big mistake and scare her away, when she blows my fucking mind. Turning her body, she lifts her back leg and slides it on the outside of mine so she's straddling me, and with a slow, deliberate movement, sits in my lap.



We use these machines at work with little adhesive pads that tingle on the skin, penetrating deep to make the muscles twitch and flex outside of your control. That's what's happening right now, only it's not just one muscle group out of my control, it's my entire body.

I blame Nick's bare chest for this. I saw it last night, and this morning, but didn't get the full impact then. First, I was too anxious, then I was too rushed.

Now? I'm all sensation. My brain, usually so busy analyzing and worrying, is mostly offline. And god, what a relief. My brain and I have been at odds for too long. Right now? We're on the same page.

Maybe I shouldn't have settled myself into his lap. But the tight grip of his hands, the way his fingers dug into my hips, had my core clenching. Now that I'm here, though, I can't decide what I want to do. Scratch that. I know what I want to do, but I don't know if I'm ready for it.

I could also be making a huge mistake. Nick's supposed to be my friend. That's what we talked about. He didn't sign up for a woman on his lap, but when I bring my eyes to his, the dazed look on his face makes it pretty clear he doesn't mind.

A low wheeze escapes him, and he wets his lips. His arms tighten around me, pulling me even closer, forcing me to widen my knees on the bed. Any closer, I'm going to leave a wet stain on the front of his shorts.

I really, really like this position.

"Friends," he stutters out. "I'm supposed to be your friend."

"That's what the plan was," I murmur, sliding my hands up his shoulders and around his neck. He swallows, throat bobbing nervously.

"Right. The plan. Make Cara stop worrying. It's a good plan."

"Yes, it is," I say, letting my fingers play with the hair at the back of his neck.

"Right. Good plan," he says again, making my lips curve into a smile. His eyes lock on my mouth and he groans again. "Are we...are we changing the plan?"

"I don't know. Are we?"

"Do you want to?"

"Do I want to what?" I ask, distracted by the silky feel of his hair. I get why men like long hair on women. I think I'm into it too, because all I can think about is the way his hair would fall toward me when he's above me, moving inside me.

I want him. Badly.

"I have no idea," he says, eyes looking stunned. "What are we taking about?"

I stare at him blankly, so lost in sensation I honestly can't keep track. Something in my face makes the corner of his lips curl, and a low chuckle escape. I really like the way that feels, the waves reverberating through my body. His laughter is infectious. Rolling giggles travel through me. I drop my head on his shoulder, and hug him closely. His hands start a low slow sweep up and down my back.

I really like that.

I like pretty much everything he does.

The words bubble up, impossible to hold back. "My feelings aren't just friendly."

His hands freeze on my back. He's still for so long, the mind chatter starts up. I scared him. He's trying to let me down easy. So stupid. I'm not ready for this. I'm so in my head, I almost miss his low rumble.

"Mine aren't either. Not sure they ever were."

It's my turn to freeze, his words hitting me with the force of a hurricane. Even if we never act on it, we can't go back to pretending there's nothing between us.

Everything is different now.
