Page 70 of Nick

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I run my finger down her cheek, pushing back the hair blocking my view of her face. "You'll get there, Baby, I have no doubt. You just need a little more time. And some more practice. And I volunteer my body to the cause."

She's snorting with laughter, her whole body shaking. "You're such a selfless man."

"I know," I say, running my hands up and down her back. "Everyone says so."

She falls asleep with a smile on her face and I'm content to just watch her, soaking in a peace like I've never felt before. I didn't know I was missing this. My whole life, just waiting for her.

I'll do anything I have to, to keep her.



"I don't remember the forecasters calling for this much snow," Julia mumbles, staring out the front window. We've had snow all day, but in the last hour things have really ramped up. We've already had a few no shows today, people who are safer staying in their homes than trying to navigate slippery sidewalks. But I'm not surprised to see the big pickup truck pull in, and Gabe exit.

He's been one of my most dedicated clients, but this is the first time I'm seeing him since Julia decided to share my personal life with him. I'm a little on edge, unsure what to expect from today's session.

He walks across the parking lot carefully, but with a lot more confidence that he showed a few short weeks ago. He's worked hard, and a wave of satisfaction washes through me. I helped him get here. I helped.

That's all I ever want, for any of my clients. For them to feel better.

When he enters, he brings a blast of icy air. He stomps the snow off his boots and yanks his hat off. I aim for a professional smile, but it morphs into laughter when he glares at me and mutters, "I should have stayed home. I would have, but you've fucked me up and now I want to see how far I can push myself."

Shaking my head, I wave him toward my work area. We fall into an easy familiarity, and I push him through his exercises, reveling in his glares and muttered swears. He's different than he was a few weeks ago. Less cold, less wary. Thankfully, he doesn't mention anything personal, and I've relaxed. He's working his boots back on when he pins me with a look.

"This may be out of line, but I was wondering if you'd let me take you out? We could grab dinner or something."

If he'd asked me any other way, it would have been easy to turn down. I've been asked out before, but usually the words and tone were cocky, like it would be such a gift for me to go out with them. I would laugh them off, and we'd move on.

Gabe's not cocky. His words are low, a little hesitant. But he's serious. I get the feeling that he hasn't taken this step with anyone since his accident. "I'm sorry. I can't. It's not appropriate for me to date a client."

He nods, looking thoughtful. "I'm nearly done here though. You said it yourself, I'm making excellent progress. I won't be your client much longer."

"That's true, but I'm sorry. No."

Something shifts behind his eyes. He forces a smile. "I get it. I'm sure you have a lot of options, guys with all their extremities." He tries to laugh it off like it's a joke, but I hear the pain, and the clear belief that he's damaged, and somehow less than. I can't let him walk out thinking that.

"Missing a leg or not, you're a catch Gabe. Don't ever doubt it."

"But not for you?"

I shake my head firmly. "No, not for me."

I don't know if my reassurances have any effect, but he nods, and makes his way to the door. He turns back, the white snow outside outlining his large powerful frame. "If you change your mind, I'll be around." He waits for my nod. "I'll see you next week. Drive safe tonight, you hear? The roads are shit."

"I'll be careful. See you next week," I say, giving him a little wave.

The office manager makes the decision to cancel the rest of the afternoon's appointments, so soon I'm on my way home with hours of nothing stretching in front of me. I haven't had a snow day in years, and I wonder if Nick might be at loose ends too.

I keep my head down through the blowing snow to the garage, and jump in my jeep. She turns over easily and I smile. My Jeep was old when I bought it, nothing fancy, but I loved its rumbling growl and the way I felt in it. Over the years I've made some improvements here and there, but nothing big. I had student loans to pay off so most of my money went there.

But not too long after we moved into the tower, my jeep disappeared for a day. When I asked around, no one would say anything other than 'don't worry, it's in good hands'. I didn't like that answer, but I met a wall of muscle and blank stares. When it reappeared the next day, it was on new beefier top of the line tires. Inside, the heat was working like a dream, and a brand new entertainment system had been installed. But the biggest changes were under the hood. My girl still growled when I wanted her to, but she also purred. No one ever took credit, but I know that some of them worked all day to make sure my ride was safer. That's just who these guys are.

I pull out carefully into the snow, thankful for my Jeep's clearance and four-wheel drive. I hit the button to call Nick, smiling when he picks up on the first ring.

"Bree? You okay?"

"Do you never get phone calls? Why do you always seem so panicked every time I phone you?"
