Page 79 of Nick

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Becca raises her head and looks around. "Huh. Will you look at that. There are." Then she lays her head back down on the admittedly nice carpet and resumes her little leg only dance. Jonas stares at her hard before finally looking away with a snarl.

It's funny as fuck. Becca can get to him pretty easily, because she just doesn't give a fuck most of the time, and Jonas is the complete opposite. He cares about everything.

Maybe it's fairer to say Becca doesn't care about the details, and Jonas does. Becca's great at the big picture stuff and doesn't sweat the small stuff. Jonas cares about the big picture, but is highly aware of all the minutiae that goes into it. As a result, Becca frustrates him...a lot.

"Did you see how big her stomach is?" Maverick says. "No way that's a girl. She's carrying a big boy. Has to be. Micah's huge."

"It doesn't work that way," Jonas says, pushing up his glasses. "Babies come in baby size. There are some exceptions, but generally the size of the father doesn't mean the baby will be huge. They let Holly go into labor, so they must think she can have a natural childbirth."

"What happens if the baby is too big?" John asks, from his spot in the corner. He seems determined to keep himself removed from the group, but he can't help getting sucked in. Jonas tightens his lips but doesn't answer.

"A C-section," Becca answers. "They slice along her bikini line here," she draws a line with her finger on her abdomen, "then they pry the skin open, reach in, and pull the baby through the hole."

I press a hand to my stomach, imagining that happening to Holly, and start to feel a little sick. Jonas gags, pressing his hand over his mouth.

"Jonas, stop it," Colton growls, then gags and covers his mouth. Oh fuck, this is going to get bad really fast if we don't change the damned subject. Thankfully the whap of a helicopter above the building distracts us. I pop out of my seat and move to the window just in time to see our helicopter swooping toward the roof.

"Ransom's here," I announce to the room. I exchange a look with my brothers and together we all move down the hall. John looks undecided, but finally uncrosses his arms and follows. Becca yells, wanting to know where we're going, and I yell back. "Just showing Ransom where we're waiting. We'll be right back. Don't worry."

I know it's a lie even as I say it. We're not coming right back. We're going to grab Ransom, yes, but then we're going to go do a little recon.

We find the doors to the roof fairly easily, and meet Ransom as he comes down the stairs. His hair is standing up, and his tie is crooked. He's been as anxious about the baby as the rest of us. Maybe more so. Even though we're grown ass men, he still takes on the responsibility for us. He's taken that protectiveness to a ten when it comes to the women.

"What's happening? Did she have the baby yet? Micah's not answering my texts." The last comes out in a growl.

"To be fair," Kade says, "he's a little fucking busy helping his woman have a baby. It's work you know. You have to get the breathing just right, and you have to stay positive." His face turns a little green. "And then there's all the stuff going on..down there." He waves his hands in a big circle around his hips.

John gives him a sideways look. "That's really fuckin' detailed. Why do you know so much about it?"

Maverick snickers. "Because he crashed one of the classes and made Micah step aside so he could coach Holly."

Kade gives him the finger. "He might need help in there asshole. I was being thoughtful." He scowls as the rest of us laugh, because nah, he was being a nosy bastard. He and Micah are attached at the hip, and Kade just wanted to be included. Simple as that. Kinda makes me wish I'd had a chance to attend one of the classes. Then at least I'd understand what's going on in that room.

"Bree said it could take two days for Holly to have the baby," I tell Ransom. His reaction is exactly what mine was.

"You're shitting me? That can't be okay. I'd like to talk to the doctor." He says 'like' but means, get me the fucking doctor, I'm going to corner them until I'm satisfied with the answers I'm getting. I'm all on board with that plan.

"They took them down the hall from the waiting room," Colton says. "But there's probably another way. The women are in that waiting room."

Ransom gets what we mean immediately. Over the last year we've learned that the women have certain expectations around behavior that just aren't convenient sometimes. It's easier to go around them than argue. We had to learn that the hard way.

"Where's Dec?" Ransom asks, pulling out his phone. "There's got to be a map of this place. Can he hack the records?"

A throat clears and we all turn to stare at John. "You mean like this map?" he asks dryly, tapping the large poster on the wall next to us. We all take a step closer, and peer at the map.

"Yeah, uh...that should work," I mumble.

John rolls his eyes and taps near the center. "That's where we were," he slides his finger along the map, "and this is the hallway they took them down. Seems to me if we head that way on this floor, and take the stairs at that end, we can bypass the waiting room."

We trade glances, then slow nod. "Yes. That looks like it will work. Good plan," Colton mumbles.

John looks at him and snorts. "Is it the money, you think, that took your common sense? Seems to me you guys do everything the hard way."

Ransom pins him with a fierce look, but his lips are twitching. "You may have a point," he mutters. "Care to lead the way oh great map reader?"

"Fucker," John mutters, eyes crinkling. Then he turns and we all head down the hallway, passing nursing stations and patient rooms, then attempting to tiptoe down the stairs, but still somehow still sounding like a herd of elephants. Colton moves to the front when we get back to the fifth floor, and quietly pulls open the door, ducking his head out then back in.

"Don't these floors have security or something?" John asks. "This has been way too easy so far."
