Page 80 of Nick

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"They have floors that can be locked down, but this wing is the VIP wing," Ransom explains. "Once you're past security on the main, you have a lot of freedom. No random baby snatcher would ever make it past the front door."

"Huh," John says. "So they're assuming if you can afford to be on this side, that you're not a criminal?"

Ransom shrugs and grins, "More like, if you're a criminal, you're the kind to overthrow a country or run a billion dollar Ponzi scheme."

"So where do you fit in there?"

Kade bumps John casually out of the way as he peeks through the door, earning a growl from John. "We're the mostly reformed kind of criminal."


"You've seen the kind of shit we do, brother," Colton says, trying to wedge his giant body through a one foot gap in the door. I'm not sure why the hell he thinks that's a good plan. Finally I get frustrated, knock his hand off the door, and open it all the way, waving him through. He pats down his t-shirt and lifts his chin as he walks out.

"That stuff with Janey's brother and the scammer guy?" John scoffs. "That was you guys at your worst?"

"Yes," Jonas says seriously. "We like being the good guys. There's more money and praise in it. It's win-win."

John face turns thoughtful. "Yeah, I guess you wouldn't want to fuck up everything you've got going on here."

"Truth," I say. "We've done shady shit, but we try to keep that to a minimum. Only when strictly necessary, or when we need to fuck someone up who is officially a bad guy. We've built a life for ourselves and the women that we will fight to the death for, but luckily, since we're white collar and shit, we don't have to fight to the death. Most of our fighting is in boardrooms and offices. And that works for us."

John opens his mouth to reply, with a blood curdling shriek fills the corridor. I'd know that sound anywhere. "Fucking Colton."

We rush out of the stairwell into the hallway, and find Colton across the hall with his face pressed to the wall. A very small woman is standing next to him, scolding him in Punjabi. Her face is plump, with small lines radiating from the corner of her eyes, showing a long life, and judging by her outfit, a life lived very well.

John walks up to her, puts his hands together in a prayer position, and bows to her, speaking to her softly in the same language. She looks shocked, but yells at him too, then seems satisfied and walks through the open door, closing it firmly behind her. Where the hell did he learn Punjabi?

"What the fuck?" John says, turning on Colton. "You can't just walk into people's rooms. What the fuck were you thinking?"

Colton doesn't answer, gagging again. He takes some deep breaths, then mumbles. "I should not have gone in there. That was so wrong. So wrong. Her legs were open and it looked like something from Aliens. There was blood and.." Another heave, "goo. It looks like the stuff that came out of Mav's nose that time I accidentally kicked him in the face, only a hundred times worse."

I wince and cover my mouth, because that was fucking horrible. Mav's whole face was black for weeks. And the mess was disgusting.

Colton gags again, and Jonas, obviously imagining the scene inside, does too. And they're off, both of them bent over, dry heaving.

John stares at them, disgusted. "Neither one of you would last a day in prison. You ain't seen disgusting until you have to pull a cat sized ball of pubic hair out of the men's showers."

I lean on Maverick's shaking shoulders, laughing as Jonas and Colton bolt for the nearest trash can. "We are getting kicked out of this place, guaranteed." I say through my laughter.

Ransom sighs, and stares at our heaving brothers. "You're probably right. But we're going to find Holly and Micah before we do. Come on."

He stalks down the hallway, pulling up short when he spots Becca lounging against the wall. Her eyes are lit with glee. "I knew you guys couldn't be normal."

Kade scoffs, looking cornered. "Normal. Whatever the fuck normal is. We were out for a fucking walk, that's all. Ransom wanted to stretch his legs."

Becca grins. "How are you such a bad liar?"

Kade scowls at her, but she doesn't pay any attention. She's busy looking past us to Colton and Jonas, both of them bent over, breathing heavily, gripping the sides of the trash can with both hands.

"Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum saw something they wish they hadn't huh?"

I snort and cover my mouth. That perfectly describes the two of them.

"Colton did," Maverick clarifies, ever helpful. "Jonas just heard about it. I think Colton saw a woman right in...the throes of pushing her baby out."

Becca cackles, laughing so hard she has to brace her hands on her knees to catch her breath. "Serves him right," she says through her giggles.

Ransom circles around her, searching the name plates next to the doors, finally stopping in front of one. He puts his hand on the handle and pushes it down.
