Page 10 of Tainted King

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We drove back to the mansion, knowing we had to stick together to get through this latest threat. When we arrived, Gabriel veered off into the kitchen, and I went to the study.

My phone alerted me to an incoming call, and when I saw the name of the man I’d assigned to watch Quinn, I didn’t hesitate to pick up.

“Not sure if it’s anything, but you wanted me to get in touch whenever there was the smallest change. Well, there’s this guy who keeps coming into the restaurant. He seems harmless, but I can tell he makes Quinn uncomfortable.”

I walked into the dark office, not bothering to turn on the light; the low glow of the pool lights outside was enough to navigate the space without walking into anything. I stopped at the big window overlooking the backyard. “Send me a background check.”

“Already in your inbox. I couldn’t find anything, but I didn’t dig too deep. I could ask my contact to go further.”

“Do it. And make sure someone watches her at all times. Hire someone if you need to.”


The line went dead, and I leaned my head against the cold glass.

After allowing myself five minutes of what-ifs, I sat down at the desk, going through the emails I’d ignored all day.

But since I never slept more than a few hours a night, I’d be fine. I had to be.

* * *

“This is a terrible idea. Why didn’t you stop them?” Jude whined, tugging on his bow tie while shooting daggers at me. “We’re at the brink of war. Nobody attends galas while at the brink of war.”

Shrugging on my suit jacket, I ignored him. Of course I’d tried talking my parents out of going. Yet here we were, on our way to the biggest social event of the year.

Mom swatted Jude’s hand away and righted his bow tie. “We go every year. We can’t just not show up. What will everyone think?”

Gabriel put his arm around her, kissing her head. “That we’re at war and thought it best not to bring it to the elite of Chicago?”

“Enough,” Dad’s booming voice sounded from the hallway. “We’re all going. As a family.”

Jude pointedly looked around the foyer. “Unless she’s hiding behind the sizeable cleavage of Gabriel’s date, we’re missing Freya.”

All of our eyes turned to said date, who was staring at a flower painting Mom had bought at one of the many charity functions she'd dragged us to. Appearance was everything, and because of the amount of money we donated, most people looked the other way when it came to our business ventures.

“Clara, let’s go,” Gabriel called, holding out his arm.

“My name’s Yvette.” His date giggled but joined him with a grin on her face, uncaring that he’d forgotten her name for the third time already.

Fighting the childish urge to roll my eyes at my brother, I followed everyone out to the waiting limousine.

Tonight’s gaudy affair would be held at one of the foundation’s board members’ country homes. It meant I had to suffer through an hour-long car ride, listening to innate chatter and high-pitched giggles.

Gabriel and his date disappeared as soon as we arrived, and Jude was swallowed up by the crowd, no doubt looking for his own entertainment for the night.

Mom and Dad didn’t waste time and were soon engaged in an animated conversation with one of their acquaintances. I wouldn’t call them friends, since they only ever saw each other at events like this.

“Liam. Here all alone?” The sultry and unfortunately familiar voice intensified the headache that had been brewing all day.

“Helena. What a surprise to see you here.”

She stepped close enough for her front to graze my side. “A good one, I hope.”

Well, there was one mistake I’d never make again. Helena was a social climber and willing to do whatever it took to secure herself a good position. The thought that she could forge her own way and get a job instead of a husband never seemed to cross her mind.

When I didn’t answer, she ran her finger along my arm. “Where’s your little fiancée? I thought the engagement was made official three weeks ago.”

My heart turned to stone, and my muscles tensed, barely containing the storm brewing inside me. “None of your business. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
