Page 16 of Tainted King

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Liam’s arm appeared in my vision, and the phone disappeared out of my hand. He murmured something into it, then hung up.

“You’ll be okay,” he whispered. “It’s just a building.” His voice was soft, his words comforting.

If only it was that easy. I couldn’t afford another security deposit. Or to replace all of my kitchen equipment. Not to mention all the chairs, tables, and stock that had been lost.

The car stopped, and I looked up at the bright lights of the airport.

Liam opened the door and climbed out, then leaned back in, holding his hand out. His body blocked out the light, giving him a halo. I snorted, since he was as far from a saint as anyone could get.

Our hands connected, and the same spark that seemed to ignite whenever he was near me traveled up my arm and into my heart, lodging itself deep.

I guess I’m on my way to Chicago.



I’ll never forget the image of her perfect body. Every detail of her curves would be etched into my brain for all eternity. I’d barely been able to hold myself back from doing more than look at her. I’d never strived for sainthood, but my restraint in the hospital should get me close.

Every time I touched her, my inner demons quieted, my body humming in pleasure. If I believed in soul mates, she would have been mine.

Too bad we were never a possibility. Not only was I engaged to someone else—even if only on paper—I also didn’t want to drag her into my world. She deserved a white picket fence and a fluffy dog.

And I was definitely not a fluffy dog person.

Despite my resolve to stay away from her, I didn’t release her hand until she was safely inside my private jet. Dark circles marred her usually flawless skin, and she lacked her usual spark.

I once again found myself with the desire to take away all her worries. Make her happy. But it wasn’t my place. I’d keep her safe because not doing so wasn’t an option, but I had to make sure I didn’t get any closer than that.

Settling into the seat next to her—and walking a fine line, since there were ten other seats I could have chosen—I handed her my phone. “I spoke to Paola and Alonso to let them know you’re with me, but they wanted you to call them once you’re on your way.”

She gaped at me, her rosebud mouth forming anO, drawing my eyes and giving me enough spank material to get me through the next few years.

“You spoke to my parents?” Her tone had taken on a high pitch, one I couldn’t interpret.

“I didn’t want them to worry.” My mumbled response was hopefully swallowed up by the engine. I hoped the heat in my cheeks didn’t mean I was blushing.

Quinn’s face softened, and she gifted me with one of her warm smiles—the one that lit up her whole face. She smiled often, and whenever Freya spoke of her, she described a happy and outgoing person. It still didn’t prepare me for the onslaught of emotions at being the recipient of her attention. “Thank you, Liam. I know you didn’t have to do all this.”

I waved her off, distracting myself with retrieving my laptop from the bag beside the seat and opening it. The words of the email I was trying to read blurred in front of me, my attention on her musical voice when she talked to her parents and assured them she was okay.

I’d be taking her to the mansion. It was the safest place, not only from our enemies but also from me. The more people were around, the less likely I’d be to drag her into a dark corner. Because there was no doubt my thin control would slip. The only question was when.

I wasn’t a good person. But for her I wanted to be. And that included not getting her tangled up in my mess.

“Scotch?” Melanie, our usual flight attendant, asked. She was leaning in close, having undone enough buttons on her blouse to give me a preview of what I’d already had.

But even though I’d been there before, I’d never go there again. I didn’t do seconds. And everyone else paled in comparison to the pissed-off-looking siren currently sitting next to me.

If I’d needed a sign that she might return my feelings, her pointed stare, balled fists, and tight voice would be it. “I’ll have a water,” she said, voice raised to get Melanie’s attention. “And you might want to step back before you poke someone’s eye out.”

Melanie’s head shot around, but she did step back. “Excuse me?”

Her voice held venom, and I wondered if her time with us had come to an end.

Quinn didn’t back down. Instead she sat up straighter, fixing Melanie with a hard stare. “You heard me just fine. Now if you wouldn’t mind doing your job, I’d appreciate it.”

Melanie gasped. “Mr. Olysses.”
