Page 25 of Tainted King

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Freya held up the white sample. “But isn’t white the best color for a wedding?”

“Since when do you care about tradition? You’re planning on wearing a red dress. And satin is still white anyway.”

She sighed, dropping the sample. “I don’t even know why I’m arguing about the color of my invitations since I don’t give a shit. Mom was supposed to take care of everything. She was so excited.” She stared unseeing out the window.

Taking her hand, I squeezed. “And I’m sure she’ll take over again once your dad is better. Didn’t they say he can come home today?”

Freya snorted. “He’s not supposed to leave the hospital, but Liam thinks they can’t protect him there, so they’ve put together a hospital room here. It only took this long because they couldn’t get a heart monitor until this morning.”

I’d been wondering about all the people coming and going, but since I didn’t know what was normal, I hadn’t questioned it. “I’m sure being at home will help with his recovery.”

“I hope so.”

She’d gone to the hospital every day with her brothers. I’d stayed behind, not wanting to intrude.

“When’s Gunner coming over?” I asked, hoping she didn’t sniff out my ulterior motive for wanting to find out.

“Tonight. He had to go to New York this morning.”

“You think he would agree to put an alarm system in my apartment so I can go back?”

Freya’s eyes filled with tears, and her bottom lip trembled. “You don’t like it here?”

Squeezing her hand again, I rushed to reassure her. “I love it here. But I need to get back to my life. I don’t think anyone would harm me for being friends with you.”

She brushed the few tears away that had escaped. “I guess so. Not sure if Liam would agree, though. And he has final say.”

It was my turn to snort. “Your brother can’t tell me what to do. And since when do you let him dictate to you?”

“Since some madman tried to kill Dad.” After she choked out the words, she burst into tears again.

“Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. How about I stay for a few more days, and then we’ll reassess?”

She nodded, hiccupping from her short but intense crying. She’d been more emotional than usual lately. But I guess your dad nearly dying would play havoc on anyone’s emotions. “He’ll need time to install the system anyway.” She threw the white invitation on the table. “Let’s do something fun. I’m sick of looking at different shades of white.”


Freya’s face lit up. “Sounds great. I’ll bring the margaritas if you organize the snacks.”

I followed her out of the room, smiling at her exuberance. “Deal. And make it a big one.”

Shooting me a thumbs-up, she disappeared around the corner.

I raided the kitchen, coming out with chocolate chip cookies, chocolate bars, and pickled peppercorns that both Freya and I had become addicted to.

With my arms full, I left the kitchen and was crossing the entrance hall when the door opened. Three bodyguards, Freya’s mom and dad, and Gabriel came inside, followed by what looked like a nurse and doctor. Freya’s dad was in a wheelchair, his face twisted in pain, her mom holding his hand.

I froze in my tracks, watching the group as they fell silent once they spotted me.

“Hi, everyone,” I called, forcing a smile on my face, sweat breaking out on my forehead and back. I was only a guest, after all. A guest who had raided their pantry.

Gabriel was the first to break the silence. “Someone’s hungry.”

“It’s for Freya as well,” I blurted, cringing at how loud I sounded.

Gabriel grinned at me, then swept his arm out to his right. “Quinn, meet my dad, Constantine, and my mom, Althea.”

Lifting my arm to wave, I remembered too late that I needed both hands to hold all the food. Everything went tumbling down, landing with a loud splat at my feet. I stood still, my eyes wide in embarrassment at my clumsiness.Worst first impression ever.
