Page 28 of Tainted King

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Mrs. Olysses patted the seat beside her with a warm smile. “Quinn, take a seat. And call me Althea.”

As soon as my butt hit the seat, Nim appeared, holding my favorite shiraz. “Wine?”

The bottle was three hundred dollars—something I’d looked up because I was thinking of adding it to the wine list at the restaurant, until I saw the price— and tasted like someone had hand-watered each grape and then gently squashed them, only to sing sweet songs to the bottles while they fermented.

“Thank you, Nim. That would be lovely.”

She poured my glass with a wink, knowing how much I loved the wine since I wouldn’t shut up about it.

Taking a sip, I sighed in bliss as the fruity flavor hit my tongue.

“How are you enjoying your time here so far? I trust the boys and Freya made you feel welcome?” Althea asked, taking a sip of her own wine.

“It’s been lovely. Thank you so much for opening your home to me.”

Mr. Olysses grunted. “Don’t even mention it. We’re the reason you’re in danger in the first place, so it’s our responsibility to make sure you’re safe.”

Putting my glass down, I gave myself a quick pep talk before responding. “Do you think I’m still in danger? There haven’t been any threats since, and I’m keen to go home.”

If I could convince Mr. Olysses to let me go, then surely Liam had to comply.

“Not sure if that’s a good idea, but we’ll talk about it when Liam gets here. He’s in charge of security.”

Isn’t there anyone left in this house who doesn’t defer to Liam when it comes to making decisions?

“Of course.” There seemed no point in pushing the issue. And I wasn’t a prisoner. If Gunner agreed to install extra security at my apartment, I’d go home, no matter what Liam said.

“Freya tells me you own a restaurant,” Althea said, clearly sensing that we needed a change of topic. “And that your cooking is the best she’s ever tasted.”

I flushed, loving that Freya thought so highly of my skills. “I’d be happy to cook for you while I’m here.”

Althea nodded. “That sounds amazing.” She turned to her husband, taking his hand.

Mr. Olysses smiled at his wife, lifting their clasped hands to his mouth and kissing her knuckles.

I couldn’t help but watch their exchange, thinking how much they looked to still be in love.

“Never fear, your favorite son is here,” Jude announced his presence. He greeted his mom with a kiss to the cheek, then put his hand on his dad’s shoulder. “How’s it going, old man? Willing to share your drugs yet, or do you still insist on keeping them to yourself?”

“Jude,” his mom chastised. “You know those pills aren’t meant for recreational purposes. And I counted them, so don’t think you can sneak in there and take some.”

Sitting down opposite me, he shrugged, a sheepish grin on his face. “Worth a try. Things have been getting boring around here with Liam keeping the peace with everyone. All he does is talk it out instead of using good old violence.” He looked at his dad. “Not even you getting shot made him lose his cool.”

“That’s because your brother is a born leader. Stop giving him so much shit and support him. He needs to know you have his back.”

“Always,” Jude vehemently vowed. “Doesn’t mean I have to agree with everything he does.” He turned to me then, a mischievous spark glinting in his eyes. “So, Quinn, any idea what happened to the bathroom near the library?”

“Why would I know?” I asked, my voice too high-pitched, my body betraying me and making it abundantly clear to everyone that I definitely knew something.

Three sets of eyes homed in on me, and I squirmed in my seat.

Jude coughed out a laugh. “Gabriel saw you and Liam go inside.”

“He was helping me with a bloody nose.”

Which was the truth, even if I left out the part where I nearly ripped Liam’s clothes off and barely held myself back from licking him from top to bottom. And of course the part where he gave me the best orgasm of my life and then left.

Althea gasped. “Oh, dear, are you all right? Did you call a doctor?”
