Page 45 of Tainted King

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We grabbed a coffee for Vlad as well, then picked out tiles. The only thing we hadn’t looked at were plants, but after quarreling with Amara and Vlad about the shape of the bathroom tiles for over an hour, I had no mental capacity left to continue our argument over the shape of plant leaves.

Liam hadn’t texted or called all day, and I hadn’t either. I didn’t want him to think I was clingy. No matter how much I wanted to see his name flash on my screen or hear his voice.

Vlad dropped me off outside my apartment building. “You need a lift to the airport?”

I’d mentioned flying back to Chicago, but we hadn’t talked about it further. Once Amara and Vlad teamed up, chances were good I’d find myself duct-taped to my one and only chair if they didn’t want me to go.

“Pete can drive me.”

He scoffed. “Nonsense. I’ll drive you.”

I knew there was no stopping him when he’d set his mind to something. “If you’re sure.”

His pinched expression told me he was holding back whatever he wanted to say. Instead, he nodded, and I got out, waving to his retreating car. I barely noticed Pete following me anymore. He was quiet and unintrusive, but always close enough to make sure I was safe. He’d followed us back to my apartment, and I watched him get out of his car.

I waited for him outside the building, knowing he wasn’t happy about me driving in a car with Vlad. When he made it to where I stood, he opened the door for me and held it while I went inside.

After we made our way back to my apartment, he stayed in the hallway, despite my repeated invitations to come inside. As soon as I closed my front door behind me, my eyes went straight to the empty chair in the corner. A pang of longing hit me, and I swayed on my feet.

My feelings scared me as much as they excited me. And tomorrow I’d see him again. I wondered if it would be different seeing him in Chicago. The longing to talk to him became too overwhelming to ignore, and I sent him a text.

Me: How was your day?

He responded a few seconds later.

Liam: Taken up with thoughts of you.

I smiled at the screen.

Me: Can’t wait for tomorrow.

Liam: Me either. It’s late. You need to sleep,astéri mou.

He’d never called me anything but Quinn. Since I didn’t speak a word of Greek, I immediately searched the term on the internet. He’d called me “my star.” Heat radiated through my chest, and a smile stole over my face.

Me: I couldn’t sleep until I talked to you.

Liam: I hate that you’re so far away and I can’t show you what your words do to me.

Me: Tomorrow.

Liam: Tomorrow.

Putting my phone down on the kitchen island, I pulled on my pajamas, the smile still on my face.

* * *

Vlad’s hand on mine stopped me from getting out of the car. I knew this talk was coming. Had been surprised it hadn’t happened already.

“Are you sure this is the right thing to do?”

“It’s the only thing that makes sense. I’ve never felt like this about anyone. And if I don’t see where it goes, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.”

“You barely know him. His family aside, he’s the most dangerous man in Chicago right now.”

Nothing he said was new information. I was going into this with my eyes wide open. They said love made you blind. In my case, it didn’t make me blind; it made me reckless.

“I’m not giving up my life. I’m taking a break. I know the restaurant is in good hands with you and Amara.”
