Page 47 of Tainted King

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In return, we would open trade routes, gain additional supply chains, and up our manpower should we have to go to war with whoever was threatening us. We needed an ally we could depend on. And this was our chance.

No matter how much I wanted to say screw it and walk away, there was more at stake than Quinn. A slight like this would herald the beginning of our end. And instead of an ally, we’d make another enemy.

Unperturbed by my cutting tone, Gabriel kept on with a smile on his face and a cheer in his step. “I’m your second. It’s my job to make sure your head’s in the game.” Stopping me with a hand on my arm, he looked around. Only our men were close enough to hear what we were saying. “But just in case, Jude’s in the building next door.”

Even though I didn’t intend to do anything rash, knowing Jude had my back released some of the tension in my shoulders.

“Good. Now let’s get this over with.”

I wiped my hands on my pants before entering the stateroom through two huge, carved oak doors. The building used to be a church but had become part of the Bratva business.

“Liam,” Aleksándr greeted me, stony smile in place, meaty hand outstretched to shake mine. “So glad you could join us.”

As if I had a choice.

I nodded at the men spread around the room, noting his two seconds were present. I also spotted at least three generals. It was a show of power, but one that didn’t impress me. Each of my brothers were worth a dozen of his men.

Unbuttoning my coat, I pointed to the table. “Of course. Shall we begin?”

“You always have business on your mind. That’s why this will be a great union.”

He pulled his chair back, the signal for everyone to take a seat. Gabriel sat down next to me, eyeing the two seconds who’d taken seats opposite us. Maybe I should have been the one to make surehishead was in the game. He looked relaxed, but his fingers were twitching too much for him to not have thoughts of pulling out at least one of his guns.

Aleksándr had a dark gleam in his eyes, rubbing his hands together like a villain in a Disney movie. “Let’s make this a memorable meeting.”

* * *

Searching the bustling crowd for Quinn, I spotted her black bob bouncing up and down with each step. Shifting on my feet, I clenched my hands to stop myself from rushing up to her. Conflicting emotions fought a battle inside my body, elation eventually punching out regret.

I stood still amid people rushing around me, taking in her every move. She walked the same way she did everything else: with purpose and a smile on her face.

God, I was such a bastard for doing this to her. But my need overrode everything else. And I’d never pretended to be a good man. I was sure there was a special place in hell reserved for me.

Quinn scanned the busy airport, standing on tiptoes to see over the crowd.

When she spotted me, her face lit up, and she ran the last few steps, not stopping once she was close. Instead, she dropped her suitcase and barreled into my arms.

Not thinking twice about it, I scooped her up in a tight embrace, and her legs wrapped around my body. Our mouths found each other, the pillowy softness of her lips enough to get me excited in the middle of an airport, standing among harried travelers. I instantly felt like I was floating, all worry gone with the touch of her lips.

I was sure we garnered our fair share of disapproving stares, but in that moment, nothing mattered but having Quinn in my arms again.

She tilted her head back, wide smile on her face, her hands interlaced behind my neck. “Hi.”

“Hi, yourself.”

We continued staring at each other, her bright eyes drinking in every inch of my face, and I did the same.

How would I ever be able to let her go?

“You sent a plane.”

The corner of my mouth tilted up. “I did.”

“Thank you. I loved it.” She slid down my body until she was standing on her own two feet again. “But it was too much. You didn’t have to do that.”

Kissing her nose, I took her bags in one hand, then interlaced our fingers with the other. “I have the plane, so you might as well use it.”

“It’s as easy as that, is it?”
