Page 49 of Tainted King

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We finished our lunch and continued exploring the small town.

“You going to tell me where we’re going yet?” Quinn was busy looking into every single shop window we passed, never letting go of my hand.

I wondered if this was how it was supposed to feel. The rightness of strolling down the road with her, the feeling of contentment. Both were foreign to me but something I could get used too all too easily if I let myself.

“Nope. But I can tell you we’re almost there. You ready to get back on the road?”

Staring longingly at a pink fluffy hat, she faltered. “Can we stop—”

Tugging on her hand, I brought our bodies closer together so I could put my arm around her. “No way. Don’t even think about it.”

When she turned her pouting lips and pleading eyes my way, I nearly crumbled. But no way would I walk next to her wearing that monstrosity.

I caught myself, knowing I most likely wouldn’t have another chance to walk next to her. After this weekend, I wouldn’t see her again. So she could buy whatever hideous hat she wanted.

Breaking eye contact, I swallowed, fighting to get myself back under control.

“Hey, I wasn’t serious.” Her arms came around me, and she hugged me through our thick jackets. “Have you seen the price? No way would I pay that much for a hat.”

We walked the rest of the way to the car in silence, Quinn enamored with the small town.

My family would stop here every summer on our way to our beach house. I had great memories from my time spent on those vacations. They had eventually slipped to every other year, but now we hadn’t been up there as a family in at least five years.

Mom used to make an effort to get everyone together at least once a year. She still insisted on family dinners as often as possible, but we were all busy and didn’t usually stay long. Family vacations were out of the question.

I helped Quinn back into the Range Rover, glad I’d chosen comfort over speed for this trip. After storing her shopping bags in the back seat, we continued our drive.

We had another forty-five minutes to go, and I couldn’t wait for her to see the house. It was nestled between trees with views of the ocean, allowing maximum privacy.

I hadn’t brought any of my men with me, but the security systems in place would be sufficient. Nobody would set foot on the property without me knowing. There were motion sensors and cameras spread along the house, allowing for a complete view of the outside.

Pulling up to the wrought iron gate, I typed in the code and scanned my fingerprint. There were more sophisticated systems out there, but we hadn’t a need for one. Except for staff, Quinn was the first person outside our family who would set foot on the property.

The significance of it wasn’t lost on me, but I refused to think about what it meant.

Quinn stared straight ahead, taking in the tree-lined road leading up to the house. I loved this place. Preferred it over my apartment. But conducting business from the middle of nowhere was impossible. And I was sure I’d eventually get lonely out here.

A niggling voice in the back of my head kept insisting I wouldn’t ever be lonely if Quinn stayed with me. But disappearing wasn’t an option. I had responsibilities.

She gasped when the house came into view. “This is your vacation house?”

“It’s been in my family for generations. We added a few rooms and renovated, but other than that, it’s been kept mostly how it was first built.”

Stopping the car in front of the house, I got out, stretching my arms above my head. Quinn’s eyes followed me around the car and to her side.

I didn’t step back when she slid out, enjoying the closeness. Leaning down, I kissed her nose. “Welcome to the place where I spent half my childhood.”

She grinned at me. “Let’s have a look at this quaint little beach house of yours.”

“Follow me.” I led her to the front door, typing in a code on the keypad and again scanning my fingerprint. We thought about adding a retina scan but hadn’t gotten around to installing it. The house sat mostly forgotten, so I wouldn’t be surprised if my brothers hadn’t wasted a single thought about the place since their last visit.

We made our way through the entrance hall and to the left wing first. It was where all the bedrooms were. She could have a look at the other rooms later. I’d spent almost four hours in the car with her without touching more than her hand or leg. There was no way I’d survive following her around the house, watching her ass sway back and forth and her hair bounce with each step. Everything she did turned me on.

I’d been a fool to think spending more time with her would work her out of my system. If anything, it meant she’d embedded herself so deep there was no way to get her out. She wasn’t ever going to be a one-night stand or quick fuck.

She was someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Have kids with. Marry.

Maybe in another life. Because in this one, she’s better off without me.
