Page 57 of Tainted King

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“I don’t want to be a leader.” He looked like he’d bitten into a lemon. “That was always meant to be you. You always had the best grades, were focused, and knew what you wanted to do your whole life. Are you willing to throw everything out the window for some random woman who doesn’t even want you?”

Ignoring him, I retrieved the contract from where Quinn had left it on the floor. Finally taking charge of my life felt amazing. Invigorating. “I’ll become your second. Guide you until you feel confident to take over.”

Gabriel and Jude followed me to the elevator, resembling two lost little lambs. It would have been funny if they weren’t so confused. Pushing the button, I turned to Gabriel. “First lesson: if you don’t know what’s going on, pretend you do. Starting now.”

Finally closing his mouth, Gabriel shook his head. “I don’t agree with this. You can’t make me the boss.”

“Ican’t. That’s why we’re meeting Dad. Oh, and you also gained a fiancée.” Slapping him on his back the same way he’d done to me before, I grinned. “Congratulations.”

“Take a moment to think about what you’re doing. Nobody wants me as the boss. I’m reckless. I party too much. Dad is going to have a heart attack when he hears about this. Do you want his death on your conscience?”

“He’ll be fine. He wants someone to take over. I doubt it matters if that’s me or you, as long as it’s one of his sons.”

“I feel left out. You didn’t even think to ask me,” Jude grumbled, arms crossed over his chest.

“The job is all yours if you want it,” Gabriel was quick to jump in. “I’ll even stay your second.”

The elevator doors opening cut off any further conversation. “Meet me at Dad’s,” I called back to them, then got in my car.

Jude and Gabriel jumped in another car, following me out of the parking garage.

I wasn’t looking forward to the conversation I was about to have with my family, but in the end, I was sure this was for the best. My heart hadn’t been fully in it for at least a year. Besides, I wasn’t intending on leaving the family business completely, only making adjustments.

Hopefully, it would lessen the sting of my decision.

I called Pete on the way, asking him to find Quinn and keep her safe until I could get there.

When I pulled up to the mansion, my resolve strengthened. Not once since making it had I doubted my decision. Instead, I felt liberated.

Dad was waiting at the door, frown on his face. I’d texted him, only telling him we needed an emergency meeting. He’d improved every day since coming home, his color coming back, his steps steadier.

It helped that he had the best nurse in Mom and the newest equipment and best care money could buy.

I walked up the steps, Jude and Gabriel close behind me.

“What’s this about an emergency meeting?” Dad turned for his office, knowing we’d follow. “Did you find out who shot me?”

“Not quite,” Jude said, his step entirely too enthusiastic, his voice holding misplaced excitement.

Gabriel was the last through the door, closing it behind him.

Dad sat down in his chair, looking at us with raised brows. “So, what is this about? Out with it.”

“Liam has fallen in love,” Jude singsonged, earning himself a punch on the arm from Gabriel and the promise of more pain from me later.

Dad’s gaze swung from one to the other. “And that’s cause for a meeting?”

“It is when the idiot steps down from taking over because he doesn’t want to marry the Russian princess,” Gabriel put in, cutting me off.

Dad’s face went slack, his arms dropped on the desk, and he blinked at me. Eventually regaining his composure, he cleared his throat. “Sorry, but I thought I heard you say that Liam, my firstborn, the one groomed to take over the business since he could walk, is stepping down.”

Jude leaned forward, enjoying this entirely too much, the little fucker. “That’s exactly what you heard.”

“Gabriel knows as much about the business as I do. He’ll be a great boss,” I cut in. I’d have to make him see it as an advantage to the business. “And he won’t be distracted like I am. You know I love this family, and I’ve given everything to the business.”

“And wait for it.” Jude pretended to do a drumroll, banging his hands on the table. “Here’s thebutwe’re all waiting for.”

Ignoring my obnoxious little brother, I looked at Dad, making sure I had his attention. “Quinn changed things.” Dad’s face went red, and his mouth opened, but I held my hand up and kept talking, for once not showing him the respect he deserved. “I love her. And the look on her face when she found out I was engaged will haunt me for the rest of my life. I’m going to make this right and get her back.”
