Page 59 of Tainted King

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Freya’s jaw dropped, and she stilled.

“I didn’t mean for us to happen,” I added, as if that explained everything.

She caught herself and nodded. “Obviously, since you’re sitting on my couch bawling your eyes out.” She waved a hand up and down my body.

Freya stood up, then held out her hand to me. “This requires alcohol.” She dragged me to the kitchen, pushing me onto one of the barstools.

Rummaging in the cupboards, she came back with a bottle of vodka and another of cranberry juice. “We also have wine and beer, but I figured this would get us to where we want to be quicker.” She mixed them together in two tall glasses.

I accepted the drink she handed me but set it down on the bar. We had to clear the air first. “Are you mad at me?”

Freya set down her own drink where she was standing on the other side of the bar. “Not mad. Upset you didn’t confide in me, though.”

“I know. And I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to tell you. Especially if it was only a one-off thing.”

She fixed me with a stare. “This doesn’t look like a one-off.”

My head dropped forward. “That’s because it wasn’t. I’ve never felt anything even close to what I’m feeling for your brother for anyone else. He was everything to me.”

Still was, no matter what had happened. And I thought I hated myself most of all for the feelings I still had for him.

Standing up, she crossed her arms over her chest. “What did he do?”

“He’s engaged to someone else.” My voice wavered, but thankfully there were no tears this time.

Freya nodded. “The Russian princess.”

“He was engaged the whole time he was with me.” I’d thought his feelings were genuine. He’d seemed interested in me for more than a hole to wet his dick in.

How could I have read him so wrong?

“The contract was signed years ago. He never had a choice,” she explained.

I guess I should have told her from the start what was going on. She could have saved me a lot of heartache.

“That doesn’t make me feel better.”

Freya lifted her glass. “How about drowning your sorrows in vodka, then?”

Picking up my drink, I put it to my mouth and finished it all. “Sounds good.”

An hour later, I was swaying on my stool, watching her make a mojito. There were bits of mint floating on the top, and she’d added too much ice. I was pretty sure she’d used tap water to mix it.

When she pushed the cocktail in front of me, I eyed the murky drink. But I guessed little mint never killed anyone. Already buzzed, I took a hefty gulp before spitting it straight back out. “Holy shit, how much lime juice did you use?”

Freya shook the plastic bottle that had previously held the juice. “The whole bottle?”

She took a sip of her own mojito, shuddering as soon as the liquid touched her lips. “That’s it. We’re going out and getting a proper drink.”

Looking pointedly at my clothes, she raised a brow. “You can borrow a dress and shoes. Gunner is out until late for some super-secret mission he wouldn’t tell me about, so we can sneak out.”

Marching to the back of her apartment, she waved her arms for me to follow. “Come on. No time to waste.”

After stuffing me into a tight black dress that pushed my boobs up to my neck, towering heels, and lending me one of her coats, we were ready to go. Freya was wearing skintight black jeans and a ripped top. Black boots and a leather jacket completed her outfit.

We took a taxi to a bar a few blocks away. There were people everywhere, the lighting was dim, and it smelled of a myriad of aftershaves and perfumes. We pushed our way through the crowds, finding a table in the back.
