Page 63 of Tainted King

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Turning to me, she took my hand. “But I want to be here with you. You’re my best friend, and you’re hurting. Stop telling me to leave, because I won’t.”

Biting my bottom lip hard enough for the pain to stop the impending tears, I nodded against the wet pillow that was now soaked from my hair. But I was too drunk and heartbroken to do anything about it.

“Thanks, Freya.”

“The hardest part of a broken heart is getting back up again.” She shuffled closer. “But you’re the strongest person I know. And you’ll dust yourself off and leave my idiot brother in your rearview mirror.”

Not sure I’d ever leave him behind entirely. He still held a piece of me that I didn’t think I’d ever get back. I needed to switch off for a while to get my head back together.

After setting my alarm to go off in a few hours so I could catch my flight, I settled into the pillows, hoping my mind would stop long enough for me to fall asleep.

We passed out a few minutes later, our hands still clasped.



The room was already packed, my family the last to arrive. But it was our party, so we could come at whatever time we pleased. As soon as we walked in, whispers started, then clapping.

They didn’t know what was about to happen. I grinned, wondering if anyone would dare speak up.

Dad pasted his business smile on his face and immediately did the rounds.

Jude disappeared in search of trouble, leaving only Gabriel by my side. He usually followed our little brother’s example at events such as these, but not tonight. He’d have to get used to a new reality. One where he couldn’t disappear into the coat closet. Or bathroom. Or stairway.

“I fucking hate you for this,” Gabriel hissed, fidgeting with his cuffs. I knew he never wanted to be the boss. But I also knew he’d be good at it. And now it was time for him to show me how much.

“They’ll make the announcement after dinner. Until then, try and keep it in your pants, and don’t drink too much since you’ll be expected to do a speech. After that, anything goes since you’ll be the boss.”

And everyone liked a little debauchery at these parties. I was sure Gabriel would deliver.

“My first order of business will be to make my seconds wear pink suits. And a hat. I’m thinking one with a feather.”

Raising a brow at him, I smiled at the head of the Yugoslavian mafia. He was talking to Gabriel’s future father-in-law. They looked a little too cozy for my liking. The two had never gotten along but seemed relaxed around each other tonight.

“Watch Aleksándr and Yuri. They look like they’re up to something.”

Gabriel followed my gaze and groaned. “This is why I’m not cut out for this. I wouldn’t have noticed nor cared that they’re suddenly besties.”

“You’ll learn. And you’ll have me until you do.”

He stepped in front of me. “Don’t think you can ever step down completely. You’ll forever stay my second. And that’s nonnegotiable or I’ll go up there and announce you as the official heir.”

Grinning at his forlorn expression, I clapped him on the arm. “Don’t worry. I won’t leave you. I’m saying I’ll be your eyes and brains until you get the hang of it.”

“It’s called eyes and ears, dumbass.”

Chuckling, I nodded at the Georgian ambassador and his newest wife. She was at least ten years younger than the last one. “Nope. I said exactly what I meant to say.”

“Asshole,” Gabriel hissed under his breath before pasting a smile on his face. “Aleksándr.”

“Gabriel,” the Bratva boss greeted my brother before turning his attention to me. “Liam. You ready for tonight?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“You’ll have the world at your feet. And my beautiful daughter by your side. I’m sure you’ll be quite pleased with her. She knows her place and will make a good wife.”

I never understood how he could treat his own flesh and blood like expendable cattle. But then again, we were the scumbags who signed a marriage contract without ever having set eyes on the bride. Or making sure this was what she wanted.
