Page 70 of Tainted King

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Patting his chest with my good arm, I turned back to Gunner. But before I got a word out, Freya came sprinting around the corner, barreling straight into me and her brother. She threw her arms around us with a sob. “I can’t believe they took you.”

“I’m okay. Honestly. Just a little banged up.”

Freya took stock of my body, gasping when she spotted the dripping cut on my arm. “She needs to go to a hospital.”

One of Gunner’s men approached, holding a bandage and gauze. “You called for a paramedic?”

Of course Gunner would have a paramedic in his team. He was Mr. Prepared.

Holding up my good arm, I waved. “That would be for me.”

Examining my scratch, he put iodine on it, then wrapped it. “You’ll need stitches, but nothing seems to be damaged,” he said before stepping back.

“Told you so. A few stitches and I’ll be good as new,” I said in an attempt to reassure everyone.

“More like twenty,” the paramedic murmured not very helpfully.

“She good to go?” Liam asked, already turning the other way.

“Yup. This should be okay until she sees a doctor.”

Shouldering past Freya, Liam walked to one of the cars currently parked all over the street. He gently set me down, opening the door with one hand, the other arm staying around me.

“Lapochka,” a deep and familiar voice rumbled before I was torn out of Liam’s arms and into the familiar ones of Vlad. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“Vlad,” I mumbled into his chest. “Can’t breathe.”

Loosening his hold, he looked down at me. “What did those bastards do to you? Tell me so I can do it to them ten times worse.”

Unable to comprehend seeing my friend right now, I blinked at him, clearing my throat. “What are you doing here?”

“Someone had to help these idiots find you.”

“You’re the one who found me?”

“Well, not me exactly. One of Aleksándr’s men did.”

Struggling to follow, I frowned. “Who’s Aleksándr?”

Releasing me back into Liam’s arms once we were no longer able to ignore his growled commands to let me go, Vlad stepped back. “My brother. Who happens to be the head of the Bratva.”


My head was pounding, and I was ready to go to sleep right then and there.

“Okay, that’s enough.” Liam turned me back to the car. “She needs stitches and sleep. You can talk to her later.”

Too stunned and tired to care, I didn’t protest when Liam helped me into the back seat of the car. Vlad’s protests were drowned out once the door closed and I rested my head back.

Pushing in on my other side, Freya took my uninjured hand. “I’m coming with you.”

“Of course you are.” Liam sighed, then slid into the driver seat.

Freya sat half on my seat, ignoring her seat belt cutting into her. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”

I rested my head on her shoulder. “I’m fine. It’s only my arm. At least the scar is going to make me look badass.”

My joke fell on flat ears, Freya bursting into tears again. “This is all my fault. If I’d never met you and dragged you into our mess, you’d still be in one piece.”
