Page 76 of Tainted King

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I locked the door behind him and turned the light back off.

Time to make sure Quinn knew she belonged to me.



Despite a long and exhausting day, sleep had come excruciatingly slowly. Only because I’d made the right decision—the only decision given the circumstances—didn’t mean I was without doubts. Leaving Liam was hard, the peace his embrace offered an invisible string anchoring me to him.

I could still feel his arms around me, cocooning me in their warmth. At least the nightmares had stopped, replaced by images of Liam and the feel of his touch.

Leaning into a hard chest, I breathed in deeply. My hands traced a slow path down ropes of muscles that twitched under my fingers. Nose still buried in heaven, I shuffled closer.

“Fuck, I missed you so much,” a gravelly voice whispered into my hair.

My hand stilled, realizing the silky skin it was feeling was real. My nose twitched, and I reluctantly peeled away.

Then finally my brain kicked in, and I scrambled back. Pulling the sheet up to my neck, I sat up. “What are you doing in my bed?” Looking around the room, I only saw his discarded clothes, no sign of my bodyguard. “Where are Devon and Carter?”

“Outside,” the bastard answered as if he hadn’t done anything wrong.

Did he think we could just pick up where we left off?

“That only answers the second part of my question.” My voice had taken on a bitchy tone that tasted unfamiliar on my tongue. Lifting my nose to complete the look, I glared at Liam.

He didn’t take his eyes off me, as if he could read my emotions. And maybe he could. “I’m here because I missed you.”

The nerve of him. “Too bad for you. Maybe you should have thought of that before you had an affair with me while being engaged.”

Finally showing some emotion, he dropped his gaze. His hands gripped the sheets, and he took a deep inhale. “I’ll never be able to erase what I’ve done. But I want you to know how truly sorry I am for not telling you.”

“Great. You apologized. Now get out.”

Crawling closer until he was suspended above me and we were nose to nose, he grinned at me. “Not a chance. You might still be mad at me, but I’m not leaving. Not ever. I made that mistake once and let you walk away from me. Never again.”

“You’re missing one important piece of information,” I growled, abandoning the bitch approach since she was no help at all. I had to go full Rambo. “I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore. I feel nothing when I look at you.”

“See, now I know you’re lying.”

“Oh yeah, and how is that?”

He pressed the tip of his index finger to the space between my brows, the light touch rippling through my body. “You get a crease right here every time you lie.”

I slapped his hand away, the sheet dropping at the sudden movement, exposing one of my T-shirt-covered breasts. It was an old, threadbare, and almost see-through shirt that I should have thrown out ten years ago. But it was soft and only had a few holes—and none in important places.

Smirking, he brushed his hand over my nipple. A gasp escaped me, no matter how much I wanted to appear unaffected.

Pushing against his pecs, I wriggled up the bed. I realized my mistake when my breasts made it in front of his face and he dropped down, trapping me underneath him and burying his face in my chest.

Huffing out a loud growl, I tapped his shoulders. “Get up.”

“Not a chance.” His voice was muffled, his lips caressing me through my shirt with every word. Another shiver racked my body, this one impossible to mask or ignore.

Placing a kiss on each boob, he pushed back up on his forearms, taking his weight off me but not giving me enough room to escape.

“Whatever game you’re playing, I want out,” I pleaded. Panic crawled up my spine.

Liam caressed my cheek, running his thumb along my cheekbone.
