Page 83 of Tainted King

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“I love you too.”

Liam ran his hands under the sleep shirt I wore, pulling it up and over my head. He rolled us over, careful not to crush me under his weight. His mouth latched on to my bared breast, sucking, licking, and kissing first one, then the other. His fingers tweaked my nipple, making me moan.

I’d long since stopped trying to quieten the sounds I made whenever he touched me. My neighbors would have to deal with it, and so far, nobody in the apartment complex had complained.

Liam placed feather-light kisses along my neck, making me whimper with need. His gentle and slow movements betrayed his hard length pressing against my leg.

His mouth found mine again, and I opened for him, his lips warm on mine, his tongue demanding, leaving me burning bright.

He pulled away, my head lifting to follow him. “You make me so happy,” Liam whispered across my chest, his soft lips caressing my skin, blazing a scorching trail along my body.

He explored the curve of my hip, then ran his hand over my stomach, his mouth following where his hands trailed. “I’m going to be worthy of you.”

I sat up on my elbows, halting his movements. He looked up, his lips wet, his extraordinary toffee eyes holding a glint of wonder. I’d never tire of the way he looked at me. Or looking at him in return.

Needing to make sure he knew how much he meant to me, I put my hand on his cheek. “You’re already worthy of me. Yes, you hurt me, but you’ve already more than made it up to me. I’m willing to let the past stay where it belongs. This is us, making a life together.”

Crawling back up, he resembled a tiger on the prowl. “I don’t deserve you, but I’m keeping you anyway,” he growled, then kissed me again, his body covering mine, nudging my entrance. My legs widened, eager to welcome him inside.

He buried his head in my neck. “Condom.”

Brushing my fingers through his short hair, I lowered my head next to his. “I’m on the pill. And I trust you. So if you want to—"

It was enough invitation for him to enter me in one powerful stroke. A sense of rightness, of being complete, filled me. He moved in and out with agonizing slowness, building me up with infinite care only to push me over the edge with a force that made me cry out.

Following me over, Liam held me tight, our bodies as close together as possible. “I’ve never wanted another person as much as I want you. Thank you for choosing me.”

Kissing the back of his head since his face was buried in my neck, I tightened my limbs around him. “The feeling goes both ways.”

Despite the pleasure I’d just experienced, tears sprang to my eyes, Liam’s words settling deep, covering me in a warm embrace.

Placing a kiss to my neck, he separated our bodies. “What do you want to do today?”

Cuddling into him, I ran my hand over his back, unable to keep still. “I don’t know. It feels weird not to go to the restaurant.”

We’d been so busy, our time together mostly consisting of stolen moments at the restaurant, I felt a little at a loss right now. We’d been collapsing into bed every night, making love before falling into a deep sleep.

Spending all day with Liam without distractions seemed like a dream.

“You want to go for a walk at the wharf? Play tourist and take a boat out?”

Tilting my head up, I grinned at him. “That sounds perfect.”

And we spent the day exploring San Francisco, simply enjoying being together without any distractions.



Fuck Liam for doing this to me. He was supposed to be standing in front of three hundred people right now, waiting for his future wife to show up. Not me. I was supposed to be in the bridal party, watching from the sidelines.

Tugging at my collar, I ignored the priest, who was trying to get my attention. Not sure what was so important that he had to discuss it now.

And what was that music? I hated violins. They sounded like dying cats.

My hand slid to my belt, coming up empty. Mom wouldn’t even let me bring my gun.

At least they weren’t making me go on a honeymoon. Lying on a beach would have just about killed me. I didn’t do well staying still.
