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As I finish the introduction, an assistant approaches with the award, a sleek silver sail that gleams under the brilliant lights. Stars adorn the sail, a symbol of the limitless potential that innovation holds. I take the award with a gracious nod, my fingers briefly brushing against the cool metal.

I turn to Madison who straightens her back before she accepts the award from my hands. An unexpected surge of warmth courses through me when our hands touch for a brief moment.

I look at her, my heart pounding in my chest. That short-lived touch was enough to send a jolt of electricity through me. I’m reminded of the heat that simmers between us, the undeniable pull that I’ve tried so hard to resist. Madison takes the award, her fingers curling around it as her gaze meets mine.

She must feel it, too. I can see it in the way her pretty face derails for just a split second—and in the way she pulls away from my touch within an instant. There’s a fire of confusion dancing in her eyes when she looks up at me now.

Her smile is short-lived, a glimpse of the warmth I’ve seen before, but it’s tinged with a clear edge of irritation. She’s mad at me, that much is evident, and the tension between us hangs in the air like an unspoken challenge.

I step back from the podium, my eyes still locked on Madison, while I join in the applause that erupts through the hall. A thousand thoughts race through my mind, a whirlwind of confusion and attraction that I can’t seem to escape.

This girl is trouble. I knew that from the beginning. But up until now, I don’t think I realized how deeply in trouble I am.

Standing a few feet behind her, my eyes are locked on her athletic back, adorned with seductive stripes and revealing the fact that she’s not wearing a bra tonight. I feel myself drawn to her and my body aches as I control the urge to step forward and tear that dress from her alluring body and have my way with her.

All of that will happen. Right now I can’t care less about all the business bullshit standing between us. I must hear this girl moan, while she’s wrapped around my cock, arching that beautiful back for me as I watch her explode again and again.

But first, I’ll have to figure out who the hell that guy is. That ridiculously handsome man in a tux, who’s clapping with more vigor than anybody else in the room, while beaming at this marvelous woman on stage. He loves her, that much is obvious. But who is he to her?

I hate how much I care.

My gaze wanders back to Madison. I’m standing a few feet behind her while she visibly enjoys the appreciation of the audience, each clap a sparkling testament to her moment. And from what I know about this girl, she deserves nothing less.

And I might be the biggest idiot ever known to mankind, but right now, my claps of acknowledgment might be the loudest of them all.

Chapter 18


The applause still is still echoing in my ears as I flee from the stage, my heart pounding, and my thoughts in disarray.

What the fuck was that? What in the world is Chase thinking?

Who does he think he is?

I clasp the award in my trembling hands, my fingers tracing the sleek lines of the sail-like trophy. But my mind is far from the accolade I’ve just received; it’s consumed with the enigmatic man who turned my world upside down with his unexpected appearances. Just when I thought he couldn’t get any more annoying, he shows up and does this.

As I navigate through the crowd, I can’t shake the sensation of heat that lingers from our brief touch on stage. The undeniable attraction I’ve been trying to suppress is unsettling. I’m sure everybody saw it. It feels like they must have. My face was burning the entire time, a telltale tremble taking hold of me as I fought to maintain composure. I had to get away from him as fast as possible.

I spot Max across the room, and with a quick nod, I make my way toward him, my heels clicking on the polished floor. He looks equally stunned, his eyes widening as he takes in the award in my hands.

“What the hell was that?!” he gives voice to my thoughts.

“I have no idea,” I say, my voice a mix of frustration and confusion. “I need to get out, away… I don’t know. Somewhere with air, alone. With you, I mean. Can we…”

He blinks at me, comprehension dawning. “The balcony,” he suggests, nodding toward the glass doors that lead to the outdoor terrace.

“Go ahead, I’ll get us some drinks,” he says before disappearing back into the crowd.

I nod in agreement and turn around. I clutch the award tightly, my mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. I yearn for a moment of respite from the unexpected turmoil Chase has stirred within me.

I run and make sure to avoid eye contact with anyone around me, worried that I might get pulled into a conversation that I would be unfit to hold at this point. I know I’ll have to talk to people later on, but not right now. Not when I’m barely holding it together.

Luckily, they announced the opening of the buffet right after the award ceremony, so I’m hoping that people are busy rushing to the food instead of seeking me out for a little chat.

The cool breeze sweeps over the balcony, sending a shiver down my spine as I clutch the award close to my chest. It’s a bit chilly out here, but I don’t mind. No one seems eager to venture out here, not with the grand buffet just opened inside.

I had been looking forward to indulging in some fine food myself, but now my stomach churns with a mix of anger and confusion and I find myself feeling queasy instead.

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