Page 37 of The Naughty List

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Jaxon laughed as he rolled her over so Nick could go and dispose of the condom. "That was fucking hot."

"Sweet and sexy as fuck," Nick agreed, heading for the bathroom.

"Oh God," she groaned as the men cleaned her up with the warm, damp cloths Kris had fetched, while Holly lay there, boneless. "I don't think I can move."

"Don't worry, I'm happy to just lie here for a while," Nick said as he padded back into the room and lay down next to her.

"Mmmm," Holly agreed as Jaxon lay down on the other side of Nick.

Nick draped an arm across her middle, and she felt the mattress dip as Kris re-joined them, scooting into the bed in the space that was left. Jaxon reached for her hand, and they all lay like that, not talking, until Holly finally summoned the strength to speak.

"Happy Christmas," she murmured before her eyes fluttered closed and the sleep of the exhausted claimed her.


The remainder of Holly’s vacation seemed to fly by.

There was no more talk of her finding other accommodation or leaving early.

She spent as much time as she could with one or another of the men in between their work commitments and did all of the things that she had come to Leavenworth to do.

And her nights were spent in heaven.

Well, that’s what it felt like, loved up between the three of them as they transported her there, night after night.

Hell, even Kris had a smile on his face more often than not.

On New Year’s Eve, the four of them attended a party at Winter Lodge and Holly danced with each of her men until her feet ached, drank too much champagne, and made wishes of forever when midnight chimed, even though she knew that was an impossible dream.

But all too soon, it was time for her to leave.

The third of January dawned gray and dreary, reflecting her mood, and Holly struggled not to cry as she packed up her belongings.

The guys had all gone out to work, promising to be back early. None of them had mentioned her leaving, but she was sure they must have remembered.

But as the time grew closer to when she had to leave for the coach station, Holly began to have doubts. Were they going to be here to say goodbye? Or was this just their way of bringing an end to their time together without any fuss?

Holly watched the clock. She’d messaged all three, something she never did, but had not received a single response.

Finally, the time came when she couldn’t put things off any longer, and with shaking fingers, she called a taxi service to pick her up, all the while hoping it wouldn’t be necessary.

Except it was.

Holly’s heart felt like it was breaking as she listlessly wheeled her case out to the waiting vehicle, and she had to fight to hold back the tears. She knew what they had was temporary, but Holly had believed she meant more to them than someone to be swept aside without as much as a goodbye. To one of them, if not all three.

All the way to the coach station, she imagined it was all a mistake, that they’d be there at the terminal, waiting to see her off.

They weren’t.

Tickets were stamped. Luggage was stowed. Passengers streamed onto the coach, and Holly loitered until the last possible moment before she climbed onboard in the hope they’d arrive before it was time to depart.

“Miss, we need to leave.” The coach driver smashed the last of that fragile hope to smithereens.

Holly took one last look around at the place where so many of her dreams and fantasies had found a home. Not just the ones she’d spun with her mother when she was young, but new ones of a far more adult nature.

Her feet felt leaden as she found her seat, oblivious to the happy chatter around her.

Oblivious until one particular name caught her attention.
