Page 14 of Vincenzo

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I fixed my tuxedo as I walked through the lobby. My team had worked around the clock to prepare everything for the governor’s party. I groaned at Angelina, plastered against my side, waving at everyone like she was my wife. She hit me up for a ride when I happened to be leaving the Calabresi office, dressed for the party. The casino was closed for this special event; Governor Constantine Hudson was celebrating her election.

“What is she doing here?” Angelina hissed.

“Who?” I observed the large ballroom decorated with balloons and flowers. Servers hovered with trays holding glasses of champagne.

“Nyla,” Angelina spewed.

I saw Nyla in the corner, talking with Sonya and Rena. I dragged my eyes down her body in her red dress, highlighting her plump breasts and wide hips. The long split highlighted her smooth, silky legs. She turned, and her round, plump ass begged to be cupped and squeezed. It aggravated and taunted me.

I shook off my dirty thoughts and released Angelina’s arm. “Everyone is invited. Go mingle.”

“Are we sitting together?”

I moved away as she pressed her fake breasts against my chest. “Angelina—”

“Vincenzo, please. One night. Let me prove to you I can be a good girlfriend.”

I rubbed my temples. “Stop begging. The only connection we have is sex.”

An uncomfortable ache stirred in my chest as Sonya, Rena, and Nyla sauntered over. Her presence shouldn’t move me either way, but I could only focus on her vibrant red lips.

“The governor sent a bonus to thank you for making the party happen on time,” Elio appeared beside me and handed me a check. “Asshole,” he grunted as I snatched it from his hand.

I raised my brow at the giggle behind me and turned to glare at Nyla. “Something funny?”

“Vinny, leave her alone,” Rena chided, sipping her drink. She knew I hated that nickname Angelina had started.

“Are you my family or hers?” I gestured between Nyla and me.

Rena waved me off, a small smile curling her lips.

I glared at Nyla, but she didn’t shy away. Somehow, she’d become close to the women in my family. I needed to put a stop to their friendship before they became too comfortable.

She’s hiding something.

The announcer introduced Governor Hudson’s fundraiser for re-election. We hadn’t had any problems with her since her husband’s death. Elio had a deal in place with her for our casino. The money was helping her more than she could imagine. Most of the bills being passed in Chicago were due to our influence.

I mingled with my family for the rest of the evening, letting Angelina know I wasn’t spending the night with her. She threw a tantrum, so I sent her home in a cab, knowing it would cause problems at the office.

I entered the casino's main floor with Angelina trailing beside me, taking notes. I observed the crowd coming and going. We’d been open for five months now, and the customers loved the atmosphere, the free drinks, and the VIP area for our top gamblers. Each floor had dedicated areas for slot machines and the high rollers upstairs.

I paused by the main cash station, watching the cashier dish out chips. I noticed a group of men talking to Nyla, their eyes gleaming with interest. It had been weeks since the Governor’s party, and she and I hadn’t run into each other since. So far, there had been no issues with her competence.

Angelina cleared her throat, reminding me why I’d come downstairs before heading to Calabresi Holdings.

“Stare at her any longer, and I’ll start to think you like her more than me.”

I shook my head, grimacing at her jealousy. She wanted to be on my arm like Rena and Sonya were with my brothers. Elio was pissed when I re-hired her, but I needed someone who knew how to run things, and to her credit, she handled my schedule better than anyone.

“I fired you once. The last time you sucked my dick was a year ago. Let it go.”

I watched Nyla with another clerk, barely noticing as Angelina stomped toward her. Taking out my phone, I checked my calendar.

“Do you need a ride tonight, or is your boyfriend picking you up?” she asked Nyla.

“He has to work, so I’ll grab a rideshare.”

“I can drop you off,” the clerk with Nyla offered.

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