Page 141 of Vincenzo

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“I hadn’t even thought about him.”

“Then clearly Vincenzo is doing a great job keeping you busy.”

“More than you know.”

“Ladies, do you mind if I dance with my lovely wife?” Vincenzo took my champagne from my hand and placed it on the table.

He was so handsome in his black slacks; my breath caught in my throat when his dick twitched under my grip. “You’re ready to dance again?”

“No, I want to be alone with you.”

I giggled at him, lying to his family to sneak off. “Vincenzo, that's terrible.”

“Sorry, I’ll apologize later.”

Chapter 25


One Month Later

My phone was still buzzing with notifications of magazines wanting to do interviews with me about the casino, which was the hottest place in Chicago. Everyone was calling it “the place to be if you want to be seen.” All the celebrities were showing up—even wanting to take pictures with me and my brothers, but we declined.

After shutting my phone off and sliding it into my pocket, I joined the conversation. I listened as the gentleman proposed an offer to go into business with me for hotels in four different states.

“How much of a cut are you talking about?”

“Twenty percent. Plus, if the four hotels do amazing—and I know they will—then we can revisit doing international property,” Oliver explained.

Flicking my pen on the desk, I ran the numbers in my head and what they’ve brought to the table.

“Thank you for coming,”

“You’re declining.”

“Honestly what you’ve shown me really isn’t profitable, and I could make triple by myself.”

“What about your brothers?”

“The casino is run by me, and decisions start and stop here.” I pointed at myself.

Oliver gulped and nodded. “Thank you for your time.”

“Maybe in a year or two when I see what you’ve made in profit we can revisit.”

“Thank you, Mr. Calabresi.” He stretched his hand toward me, gathered his things, and left.

“He sounded like he knew good business.” Elio stood beside me at the window in my office.

“Based on the reviews of his hotel, they need more than what we can offer.”

Elio flung his hands in his pockets. “How is married life treating you?”

“Good. In fact, I need to head home early. We have plans.”

“Glad to see you happy.”

“Same to you.”
