Page 143 of Vincenzo

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“Gentlemen, sorry I’m late.”

“Ready?” Savio asked.

“Go ahead.”

“The alliance is going through a change; we all saw it happen when we were younger, and now it’s time to grow even further. Over the past few months, I’ve explained how I eventually want to step down and be with my family more,” Savio continued.

“So, are you for sure going through with leaving?” Alvize asked.

“Yes, and Sante is taking over as Don.”

“Who’s the underboss?”

“Me,” I answered.

Silence filled the room. The original plan was to have Elio move in the role, but after talking with Cora, things changed and I understood him wanting to be around more since they were separated for so long.

“Are you ready for that position?” Renato inquired.

“Vincenzo knows how I feel about him taking on a cartel position—especially one so high up—but he’s a man whom I respect and will support, as long as he’s happy,” Savio remarked.

“The decision wasn’t taken likely,” I explained. “I know I’m young, and I’m looked at as a kid, but Calabresi blood runs through my veins, and any enemy of my family will be destroyed.”

“Any objections?” Savio probed, scanning all eyes.

“Then it’s settled. Welcome to the alliance, Vincenzo Calabresi.” Sante stood, taking my hand and pulling me into a hug.

Renato’s eyes contacted with mine and he smirked.

“I look forward to working closely with you, Vincenzo,” Alvize said.

“You’re a fast learner. I don’t doubt you will be ready for what’s to come,” Savio said.

“I agree, and the first order of business is checking our transactions in New York. I wanted to wait to discuss, but some things with our cousins have me alarmed.”

“No time like the present to figure out how we can help.” Savio moved to the third chair.

Sante sat at the head of the table, and me beside him. We called up our cousins for a conference call in the middle of the day to get some background on what they needed.

Carrying the newspaper inside, I dumped it on the counter in the kitchen. Opening the fridge to grab a bottle of water, I craned my neck to work out the kinks. Nyla rushed in, talking on the phone with who I could only assume was her best friend as she tossed her head back in laughter.

“He’s still dressed in business attire.” Nyla rolled her eyes.

Chucking the bottle on the counter, I stared at her with my arms folded.

“Yeah, let me call you back; I have his attention now,” Nyla smirked.

“Do you, now?”

Nyla sauntered towards me, closing the space between us. “Hi.” Latching her arms around my neck, she stood on her toes, capturing my lips.


Nyla pulled back, burying her face in my chest. “Tired?”

“Not for you.”

She grinned. “Ready for your surprise?”
