Page 148 of Vincenzo

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“I thought you were out of town.” Wiping the snot from my nose with a napkin, Vincenzo kissed me longingly on the lips, hugging me close.

“I flew on a private jet to get back to celebrate my favorite girl.”

“Favorite and only girl.”

“How are you doing?” Vincenzo glanced at my worry lines.

“Happy you are here.”

Those damn deep, pleading blue eyes speared my heart. God, I love this man.

Removing the little space between us, he hooked an arm around my waist, caressing my ass.

“People are going to think you want to have sex with me right here.” I moaned, blinking back the tears.

“I missed you,” Vincenzo kidded, turning to face our family and friends.

Patting him on the chest, clasping our hands together, Vincenzo led me around the room of the restaurant to hug everyone.

“What happened with the casino and your meeting with Bosco?”

“Fine, I will have some more conversations—but right now, I want to celebrate us.”

“Happy anniversary you two, I knew it was meant to be when you forced her to live with you,” Rena jokes.

“Thank you, Rena,” I smiled.

“My son has you glowing, Nyla.” Adelina broke up our teasing moment.

“Thank you, Adelina.” I sighed, embarrassed at the amount of sex we had that kept me nonstop ready to commit a crime when I went too long without his dick.

“The longer I stay away, the more she jumps on my bones,” Vincenzo countered, pressing me close, pulling me on top of his lap.

I feel like I’m whole again, having a family, a man, friends, and owning a business. My age would make a lot of people think I’m too young, but it made me determined to hold onto my happiness and celebrate every moment Vincenzo and I created together.

“Can I tell you something?”

“Anything.” Vincenzo snaked his arm around my waist.

“Thank you for seeing me and supporting me through my fears; your love healed the broken heart that Mark and so many others left behind.”

Vincenzo stared into my eyes. “You were never broken; you are perfect the way you are.” He crushed his lips to mine.

I held the back of his head and slipped him my tongue. After remembering we were not alone, I pulled back, smiling at all the wide, grinning faces watching us in awe.

“Maybe next time we can do a surprise that only includes us,” I whispered in his ear, and he groped my thigh, nuzzling his nose in my neck.
