Page 36 of Vincenzo

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My gaze was drawn to the pictures on the wall of my father and uncle when they were little and a few of my grandparents. Nothing with my mother.

“Typical,” I muttered.

“Did you say something, Nyla?” Uncle Cono asked casually.

I plucked a photo of him and my father from his desk. “Just admiring pictures of you and Daddy.”

“Take a seat, please. I was sad to hear the news of Mark’s death,” Uncle Cono said insincerely.

“Mark and your niece robbed my casino. I’ve come here to collect,” Vincenzo said, getting straight to the point.

Uncle Cono leaned back in his seat. “How much did she steal?”

“Five million.”

I kept my head down, avoiding my uncle’s eyes. It would be simpler for Vincenzo to kill me and move on with his life. Five million dollars was nothing to him and his family.

“You stole from him, Nyla?” Uncle Cono inquired.

My heart thundered in my chest as I nodded.

I jumped as he slammed his hand on the desk. “Answer me!”


“Why? Was it Mark’s idea? Because you had everything growing up.”

It was foolish for me to believe he genuinely cared about me—or the situation Mark put me in. I’d asked him to help with Mark’s gambling debts many times and suggested rehab. “Mark needed help.”

Uncle Cono turned to Vincenzo. “I apologize for my niece’s behavior and the trouble she has caused your family.”

Vincenzo shook his head. “Apologizes won’t cut it. Mark is dead, which means the debt is yours.”

I prayed for death over being returned to my emotionally abusive and manipulative uncle.

“You have a problem, and now I have a problem,” Uncle Cono said coolly.

Vincenzo glared at my uncle. “Get to the point, Sartori.”

Grim satisfaction flew through me, knowing Uncle Cono and Vincenzo might end up killing each other. Maybe I could get out of this situation after all.

“The money is not accessible. Nyla’s trust fund can only be released when she marries.”

“What?” I leaped to my feet. Why was he lying and telling Vincenzo I had a trust fund?

“Sit down.” Vincenzo hissed.

“I promised your father I would protect your money,” Uncle Cono stated.

“You lied to me all this time,” I accused.

“For your protection.”

“I don’t care about a trust fund,” Vincenzo seethed. “Whatever issues you have with Nyla can be handled after I get my money.”

“Ah, but here’s the problem.” Uncle Cono leaned forward. “Nyla has something you want, and I can help you get it, but I need something in return.”

“You’re using me as a bargaining chip,” I whispered.

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