Page 6 of Vincenzo

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I balled my fists. “Renato shouldn’t have brought you in on the situation.”

Father leaned back in the chair, rubbing the full beard my mother loved.

“He’s in a bad mood,” Renato taunted.

I shoved his shoulder.

Father raised his hand for us to stop. He turned his gaze to me. “I value my boys’ opinions, but you were reckless last night, son.”

Disappointing my father was the last thing I wanted, but Nyla Jolie was a threat. Her lies had hurt us, and she needed to pay.

Chapter 2


Three Months Earlier

“What's the plan, Nyla? You can't keep running.” Cassandra chastised on the other end of the phone line.

Cassandra was my best friend. I didn’t have many growing up. My parents’ deaths had left me with a fear of abandonment, but my trust in people had also died with them. Cassandra had snuck under my defenses. We’d met by chance at the mall and hit it off. My uncle hated how close we were, but Cassandra wasn’t intimidated by my family name.

I sighed. “I need a job. Something has to change.”

Cassandra grunted. “Well, if you didn't feel so obligated to be with Mark, you could have a life.”

Cassandra wasn’t shy about speaking the truth. She thought I was stupid for running away from my family and living with Mark. Maybe she was right. I was tired of being locked away, unable to have a life.

My uncle took over my trust fund after my parents died when I was 13 and raised me until I was 18. Pushing his mafia lifestyle on me pissed me off, and we constantly butted heads. The little money he gave me came with rules and regulations. When I turned 20, things took a turn for the worse when Mark and I started dating. I left a year ago to prove a point.

“I didn't call you to complain about my boyfriend.”

“Your boyfriend is putting you in danger, Nyla,” Cassandra warned.

She and Mark didn’t get along. My uncle thought Cassandra was a bad influence, and Cassandra thought Mark was the bad apple. I wanted to deny her words, but Cassandra was right about Mark relying on me, which led to me getting into trouble.

“I hear you, Cassandra. I'll figure it out.”

“How? Why not go back to school and get into photography like you always talked about?”

People would describe me as “a whimsical person who needs structure”, but my love of traveling and my desire for freedom were a part of me. I hated being tied down. “How will I pay for it with the little money in my account?”

She exhaled a deep breath.” Look, just come by the restaurant, and we can talk.”

I had to distract her from starting up again with my boyfriend. She didn’t know that Mark needed money, and I’d promised to help pay off his debt. He didn’t explain everything, but he’d gotten in deep with some people. Going to my uncle was not an option; he’d kill him before opening the gate.

“I have an interview.”


“I’ll fill you in later. Promise.”

Her sigh reached me down the phone line. “Okay. Call me after.”

“I will.” I ended the call and dropped my cell in my purse before climbing out of my car. I stared up at the sign for the new Calabresi Casino. Taking a nervous breath, I strolled into the building and headed for the front desk.

“Hello,” a customer service rep greeted me with a broad smile.

“Hi. I have an interview with Mr. Calabresi.”
