Page 15 of Precise Oaths

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Liliana kicked his hand to make him drop the knife.

She cut the top of her foot on one of his claws, but the knife dropped to the ground.

While he growled in a frustrated frenzy and tried to get his teeth on the cord holding him, she ran around the tree like it was a maypole, attaching as many lines as she could to him and to the tree trunk. He lost his grip on the sword as he struggled to angle the blade so it could cut her silk.

Ducking in, she snatched his sword away.

She couldn’t get to his knives to take them away with her lines wrapped so tightly around him, but he couldn’t reach them either.

The wolf snapped at her with sharp teeth and tried to trip her with his legs.

She’d immobilized his arms, but he was still dangerous.

He managed to cut a few strands with his claws and chewed through another with his teeth.

Liliana wound him round and round with more and more silk, securing his throat to the tree to hold back his vicious teeth, securing his legs to keep him from kicking or tripping her.

While he struggled and fought, she kept running around him, lunging in, attaching lines and dodging back out and around in a dangerous ballet. She added a half-dozen silken cords for every one he managed to break.

Soon, the red wolf could barely move. He could no longer reach the silk bonds with his teeth. She closed in behind him to bind his wrists with extra lines to immobilize his clawed hands completely so he could not twist up to reach the knives in his sleeves. She got close enough she could feel the vibration of his enraged growls and the surprisingly soft texture of his fur, damp with sweat. The distinctive odor of wet canine tickled her nose.

He shifted back to human form as a last resort. That loosened the coils of silk as he no doubt intended, but he was already too tangled to get away before she wrapped him round and round again tighter than before. With the tighter binding, he could no longer take the larger demi-wolf form or the differently shaped full canine form without strangling or cutting himself with the fine, tough silk.

There was no way he could get loose.

Liliana finally stopped. She panted with exertion and adrenaline. The wolf-kin was bound securely. Very securely. She might have overdone it just a bit.

He couldn’t hurt her now.

Fear still hammered in her heart, but to that was added a thrill of triumph.

I defeated a Celtic wolf.

She fetched his gun and dug its butt end into the sandy dirt and pine needles, standing it up to form a pool of white light around the two of them. She wanted her enemy to see the hundred-pound spider-kin who defeated the big bad wolf.

This deadly threat, this nightmare being that haunted her most terrifying dreams with the blood of her family dripping from his fangs, stood helpless before her, panting and rumbling his rage.

Now, the question was, what would she do with him?

Chapter 6

Tiger By The Tail

Liliana smiled fiercely, showing the wolf-kin her fangs. They might be smaller than his, but they were needle sharp. She looked way up and met his eyes for a moment in challenge.

Her stomach growled loudly with hunger as the adrenaline rush began to wear off.

That was not helpful. How am I supposed to be intimidating with my limbs shaking and my tummy rumbling?

The trapped wolf-kin struggled frantically against the web, panting puffs of fog, white showing around his blue eyes.

Well, he does seem intimidated.

His human face with its cute, freckled nose made him seem young. She didn’t believe he had yet seen thirty years. She opened her third eyes so he could not lie to her, and she saw the sickly green color of terror shading his inner self.

The wolf’s fear pleased her and disturbed her at the same time. Uncomfortably, she dropped her human eyes to the pulse pounding in his throat but kept her third eyes open. She needed to see the truth of him.

Peter Teague stilled when it was clear he couldn’t get free. “Anna, let me go.” His calm, reasonable voice betrayed none of the fear making his pulse race.
