Page 70 of Explosive Chemistry

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Siobhan was right. It was Lilana’s life. She could decide who was worth the risk of it. At this time, that list included Pete, Siobhan, Doctor Nudd, and Detective Jackson. The pride-king had threatened and endangered all her friends and hurt Siobhan and Doctor Nudd.

Now, he was as dead as the widow spiders.

If the prince had not killed Andrew Periclum, then the spider-kin would have had to find the pride-king and kill him herself. She would not allow anyone to harm her friends.

Colonel Bennet had simply saved her the trouble. And shown again how deadly he could be.

She lifted a glass of incredibly good mead to join in a toast, her fourth eyes supplying a vivid image of the handsome Fae in her mind, that moment when a sparkle of mischief lit his eyes and his lips touched her palm. She could see the raw desire mixed with distrust in his face.

Nudd said, “To good friends, good music, and good times!”

Liliana drank with the rest, smiling more than she had in decades.

Siobhan sipped the mead and feigned passing out on the floor. “That is the finest thing I’ve ever tasted, Nudd. Bury me here. I can die happy now.” She clutched the glass to her chest. “Of course, I’ll be taking this with me into the underworld.”

Everyone laughed.

Liliana opened all her eyes and looked around the room at the dear faces that had become more precious to her than her life.

Danger threatened all their futures.

But for tonight, there was music and laughter, and Liliana gloried in it.

* * *
