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“Your father is a smart man,” said Teddy. “No one can pull the wool over his eyes. Did you know that he already has three of those boats running with new engines? Their decks have been repaired, the kitchens fixed, new nets, the whole nine yards. The men can’t wait to get out in them, and he’s got more applications coming in than he can handle for extra help and the new boats he’s purchased.”

“Sometimes, I think he knows way more than he lets on,” said Miller.

“Brother, I think we can pretty much guarantee that.” Nine looked around Halo Island, then back at Teddy and Miller. “Where the hell are the others?”

“Why is there so much fucking pink?” asked Code. “Don’t little girls wear any other color but pink?”

“Yes, they wear lots of colors,” said Angel. “This is society saying little girls should be soft and sweet. Pink, lavender, white. Some little girls like black and brown.”

“Then why the fuck is everything here pink and purple?” Angel just laughed, shaking his head.

“I have no fucking clue. Let’s just get all the things on the list.”

“I don’t understand these sizes. 4T? 13? What the hell kind of sizes are those? Whatever happened to small, medium, and large?”

“Dude, you’re stressing yourself out. Look, that rack over there has everything for the smaller girls. Just grab as many things as you can in those sizes. I’ll stay here and get some of the older girls. Dex and Ian are working on the stuff for the teen girls.”

“Oh, shit,” smirked Code.


“Teenage girls? That means bras and panties. I would not want to be near them right now.”

“What the hell are these sizes?” frowned Dex.

“I think they’re bra sizes,” groaned Ian. “What the hell? I’m gonna kill Angel and Code for giving us this half of the list.”

“Gentlemen, you look as though you could use some help,” smiled a young salesgirl. Dex looked at her name tag and nodded. She didn’t appear to be any older than twenty or twenty-one, but she was pleasant and certainly recognized their pain.

“Leanne? Yea, Leanne, we need a lot of help. We need a bunch of clothes in these sizes. As much as you have.”

“Oh,” she said, lifting her brows. “Are you sure? I have a lot. Why don’t you tell me about the girl?”

“It’s several girls. We’re buying as secret Santas,” said Dex. She nodded, smiling at the men.

“Okay, why don’t you have a seat? I’ll put together all the things on the list in the right sizes. Do you have a budget?”

“Nope. You get that shit, I mean, uh, stuff, together, and I will be in your debt,” said Ian.

“We get a lot of weekend dads in here who are trying to buy for their daughters but don’t know a thing. You take a seat, and Millie will bring you a couple of beers. If you pull back that curtain, we have a television. Watch the game, and I’ll be right back with you.”

“I take it back,” smiled Ian. “I think we won the lottery on this draw.”

An hour later, their saving grace walked back toward them, smiling.

“Well, I have everything from the list and a few things I just thought they might need. I’ve already rung everything up. This is the bill. It’s a hefty one,” she said, shaking her head.

“This is worth every penny,” smiled Dex.

At the register, they ran their card, then grabbed the fifteen bags of clothing, shoes, and other items, thanking the staff for all their help. Outside, Code and Angel were waiting by the SUV.

“Wow, that was faster than I thought,” smirked Code.

“Yea, you little shit. You thought we’d be stuck in there. Guess what? They have an expert staff happy to take our money. We had a beer, watched the game, and relaxed. Jokes on you, fool!”

Code laughed at the two older men, shaking his head.

“Alright, let’s get all of this to the storage units. Sooner or later, we’re going to need to get it all wrapped up.”

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