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“I swear they must think we’re dumb as a box of rocks,” said Erin. “We know they’re doing something, and they know we’re doing something. We should have all worked together.”

“I think they didn’t want to tell us they were involved in something,” said Grace. “I haven’t said anything to Ghost. I’m letting him do his thing, and honestly, it’s been kind of fun having our little secrets between each other. You know, kind of spicing everything up.”

“I agree,” blushed Lauren. “Our sex life has always been pretty amazing, but it seems to have gotten even better lately. At first, I thought it was the holidays, but I think it’s all of us feeling as though we have a purpose.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” grinned Faith. “Have you all met Tobias’s girl, Gail?”

“She’s lovely,” said Erin. “I just hope they can find their way as well.”

“Oh, I think they will,” said Lauren. “I don’t think either one of them was looking for anyone, but that seems to be when we find one another.”

As night settled, the lights illuminated the entire property. Trees were covered, the columns of the big house were covered, wreaths, greenery, red and green ribbons, gold and silver. It seemed this year there was something for everyone.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” smiled Grace.

“Stunning. We are so fortunate to be here and be with one another.” Erin looked toward the bayou and, in the distance, saw a glow of lights. Thinking it was either G.R.I.P. or their own island, she shrugged it off as they went inside to help with all the baking for the Christmas Eve ball and wedding.

“Are we almost done?” asked Antoine.

“Almost,” smiled Tailor. He picked up the walkie-talkie and looked across the short span to the village. “Joshua? Do you read?”

“Yes, sir. It looks amazing! It’s like a dream come to life. All the lights and the trees. It makes everything look awesome!” The men chuckled at the teenager’s enthusiasm. Just outside their property line was a dock with three boats waiting to take the children across for the Christmas adventure.

“Who’s bringing the gifts over here to lock in the storage on the island?” asked Alec.

“It will be all of us,” said Max. “We’re the letting the seniors, I mean, the senior seniors, handle the situation with the toys. I think they need this.”

“Agreed,” smiled Baptiste. “It’s been fun watching them get back to work. Just a few more things here to work on. Gabe? Did y’all get the carousel painted?”

“We’re still working on it. It was a pain in the ass to get over here. Then we had to get that damn thing back together. Repainting a hundred-year-old carousel ain’t all that easy. Thank goodness I got some advice from Ellie and Megan. We even had to use a special paint and coat it in weather-resistant paint. It’s been a beast to do, but the kids are gonna freak out.”

“Kids? Hell, I want on that thing,” said Luc. “I can see us using this as date night space. A little place for all of us to get away and have a romantic evening. It’s a big island. There could be several people out here at once.”

“I hope Mama and Pops approve,” said Rafe. “I know Pops always said this island was to be used for something truly special. I hope he sees this as special enough.” Tailor laughed, shaking his head.

“What?” asked Alec.

“I was just thinkin’. Remember the old cartoon about Santa and the island of misfit toys?” They all nodded, smirking at him. “I feel a bit like that’s us. We’re all a bit misfit, and yet we’ve found our island, and we’re just waitin’ for Santa to appear.”

The men stood quietly for a moment, looking at the work they’d accomplished in less than a month. It was truly remarkable. Across the narrow stretch of water were the once falling-down shacks, now glowing with lights of their own. Their owners were chatting on their front porches, laughing, and enjoying life instead of fearing it.

Teddy stared at the younger men, shaking his head.

“I don’t think we’re misfits at all,” he said quietly. “I think I’ll go with Irene’s thought. We’re silent warriors. Sometimes, that requires a weapon. Sometimes, it requires a hammer. This past month, we chose a hammer and nails instead of a gun and bullets. It felt good to feel useful again. I feel pride when I look at all this, and I truly couldn’t be prouder of the fact that I was able to do it with the finest men I know.” Sven slapped his friend on the back, nodding at all of them.

“Amen to that, Teddy. Amen.”


“We’re ready, sir,” said the Marine to Whiskey.

“Son, I’m retired. You do not have to call me or anyone here sir.”

“Sir, I beg your pardon, but we’re not stupid. We know who y’all are. We know the names. They’re like the names from Valhalla or Olympus. Whether you outrank me or not, you will be called ‘sir’ by me and all of my men.”

“We thank you for that,” said Gaspar. “You’re all doing fine work here, and we’re always looking for new team members when your time comes.” The men nodded their appreciation.

“We watched the television broadcast. You did a fine acting job, showing your enthusiasm for the haul. Hopefully, our friend saw that as well,” said Nine.
