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“I agree,” said Nine. “Let’s head to our cafeteria for dessert, and we can give you all of your gifts.”

The excitement went on all day, but as always, something interrupted the fun. Code heard the alarms at the café and knew it was closed for the holiday. Grabbing Tanner, they took one of the ATVs to investigate.

The front door had been tampered with and was slightly ajar. As they entered with weapons drawn, they saw the blood on the floor. There was no broken glass, nothing to indicate that someone had hurt themselves.

He signaled to Tanner to go the left side of the counter while he went to the right. The blood clearly following that path. Frowning, he turned and saw the body lying face down. He kicked the foot of the large man, then knelt beside him.

“Get medical here,” he said to Tanner. Turning the body over, he gasped.

“Who is that?” asked Tanner.

“Abraham. It’s Razor and Bella’s son. Shit, we haven’t seen him in probably ten years. He must have been trying to get home.”

Wilson and Cruz came through the back door, followed by Gabi. When they saw the face, they all gasped, staring at the young man.

“Holy shit,” said Gabi. “Get him to the clinic.”

As Wilson and the others lifted him onto the stretcher, he reached out for his hand, squeezing, and said one thing.

“Let me die.”
