Page 1 of Broken Rock

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Tate Archer turns offthe main road and heads down the track to his parents’ farm. He opens the window, letting the sea air in to help to blow away some of his tiredness. He looks longingly at the track heading down to the beach, sorely tempted to veer off and go there instead. It would make him seriously unpopular with his family though, so he keeps driving towards the house.

The headlights on his pickup cut a path through the absolute darkness on the country lane until he turns the corner and faces his parents’ old farmhouse.

He stops the truck and leans on the steering wheel as he looks at the brightly lit house. Seems his dad went to town on the Christmas lights this year. In addition to the lights on the house, every tree lining the yard to the front is decorated. He’s even got lights hanging off the animal sheds.

Tate parks around the side of the house and shuts off the engine. He’d give anything and everything not to go in there. Even from inside the truck he can hear the Christmas party is in full swing.

God, he hates these family shindigs. The family gathering had started a few hours ago and would continue well into the early hours. It was a tradition he hated but still attended every year. It wasn’t worth upsetting his mother by refusing. He was already late which was bound to go down like a ton of bricks.

The thought of spending a few hours forcing himself to engage in polite conversation with people he has no interest talking to is as appealing as a visit to the dentist. No wonder he’s still skulking in his truck. Fuck it. The sooner he gets in there, the sooner he can disappear again.

Tate glares at his reflection in the rear-view mirror. He looks exactly how he feels. Wrecked. As well as two impressive black rings under his dark blue eyes, his short brown hair is more dishevelled than usual. A few hours with his family then he’s heading to bed.

He jumps when someone taps on his window. ‘Jesus Bria. You scared the hell out of me.’

His sister laughs and throws her arms around him before he’s fully stepped out of the truck. ‘Where the hell have you been? Mum is going nuts. You said you’d be here by seven. You’re over an hour late.’

‘I know.’

‘If you think coming late will lessen the pain for you, you’ve wasted your time. Doesn’t work that way. You’re late and everyone has noticed you’re not here. Sandy has already commented four times that you probably wouldn’t show. You’re too important or something like that.’

‘Yeah, and that’s why I don’t want to be here. It’s like a fucking backstabbing contest.’

Bria pushes her long strawberry-blonde hair back from her shoulders and takes his hand. ‘I’ll protect you, don’t worry.’

‘Great. Now I feel so much better.’ He grunts as she whacks him in the stomach then pulls her into his arms again. ‘I missed you. How’s work going?’

Bria smiles widely. ‘It’s so good. I really love it, Tate. I can’t tell you how amazing it is to be bringing in a regular salary. Working as an intern was great but having money is so much better. You know, I could use my expertise to whip your wardrobe into shape.’

Tate looks down at his boots, jeans, and shirt. ‘What’s wrong with my wardrobe?’

‘I didn’t say there’s anything wrong with it. The designer I work for has some amazing pieces. You could revamp your look with a little help from yours truly of course.’

Tate snorts as he turns away from her and walks over to the house. ‘Nice try but there’s no fucking way you or your boss are revamping anything.’

‘Can’t blame a girl for trying.’

He opens the door to the house and puts on his game face when he hears someone announcing his arrival, instantly putting up obstacles between himself and his target of the kitchen. Relatives swarm towards him and for the next few minutes he’s pulled into too many embraces to count.

Questions are fired at him from so many angles he doesn’t get a chance to answer any of them. He nearly groans aloud when his mum appears in the kitchen door. She hurries towards him and gently makes her way through her family.

‘Excuse me! Back away from my son. It’s my turn for a hug.’ She pulls him down into a bear hug and squeezes him tightly. ‘Welcome back. You must be starving.’ She grabs his hand and leads him to the kitchen, politely dissuading anyone from following them.

His mother, Becca, stands back and examines him. ‘Have you been eating? You look like you’ve lost weight.’

‘We really going to have this conversation every time I’m away for a few weeks? I promise I eat, Mum.’

She grunts then pulls out a chair at the wooden kitchen table and directs him to sit down. ‘How was your flight?’


‘You look tired. You’re not pushing yourself too hard, are you?’

‘It’s just been a long few months. I’m looking forward to a few weeks off.’

She places a plate of lasagne in front of him. ‘I do appreciate you getting back in time for tonight. It wouldn’t be Christmas without everyone here.’
